Op date... everything moving so fast

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  • 43 subscribers

Hi all. Definitely not complaining but I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Went to AnE with gallbladder issues on 22nd August where the mass was found on USS.. gall bladder removed 26th... consultant appointment regarding mass 7th September now nephrectomy 19th....

Iv absolutely 100 not dealt with any of this in my own head yet....

Still no where near recovered from my cholecystectomy....

Just going through this journey of emotions.... yesterday started feeling really angry and upset.... then bam 8am call from the hospital....

No idea how to tell the kids this op will be in just over a week.... have my pre op tomorrow...

Will the kids be OK at school whilst I have the op? Goodness my head is a mess ..

Much love to everyone 

  • What an absolute whirlwind, and I'm sorry you're feeling a bit all over the place at the moment.

    I don't think this is something that anyone expects you to be able to process right now; it is definitely a case of taking each day as it comes, and being kind to yourself. Unfortunately you won't get full answers to all of your questions until your post op appointment when you get your results. For now just focus on getting to the surgery date in one piece, and then recovery.

    On a more practical note, the guidance from my physio/surgeon was not to lift anything over around 3kg for the first six weeks, and no cooking for the first four weeks. I found that doing some preparation for this (food planning, precooking meals, making a shopping list for someone else to buy) helped take my mind off the upcoming surgery. The "abdominal surgery" guide from the Christie was really helpful in planning what I would be able to do post-op, and which areas I was likely to need help with.

    It's really normal to feel overwhelmed by all of this, but if it's ever too much there are lots of support services so don't be afraid to reach out!

    Good luck with everything!