Starting Pembrolizumab soon

  • 25 replies
  • 45 subscribers

It’s all got real again. Yesterday was filled with information and appointment dates, today we sort this in my head. If all goes to plan first session is late April. Yikes!

Might try and do the blogging thing once it starts - if it helps anyone later then will be worthwhile. Can’t promise as motivation hides sometimes and I do everything else to what I should be doing Grin

Daft that the radical nephrectomy now seemed to be the more straight forward bit.

Hope everyone reading this is doing ok with things Blush

  • Hi brizzle. Your telepathic haha, was doing my update as you asked. All ok….so far Grimacing 

    how you doing? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Janey36

    Good to hear it went ok and I guess it's six weeks until your next session. How long did it take in total?
    I am mostly ok. Just got a bit of a woozy head ongoing. I had my follow up CT scan last week and I haven't had official results yet, but specialist nurse has seen it and it looks clear to her.
    Waiting now for oncology appointment in June to discuss immunotherapy.

  • Hi Brizzle, was 15 mins for flush then about half hour for Pembro and then 15 mins for 2nd flush. 1 week on and still all ok. Let’s hope that continues Fingers crossed

    Good to hear that your last scan looked ok. Thinking about your timeline is the oncology appointment you have to discuss starting immunotherapy within 12 weeks of surgery? I was under the impression that if going to start Pembrolizumab it must start within 12 weeks. Sure I read or heard that somewhere, something to do with licensing agreement.  Might be worth a check. 

    Hope everyone doing ok Blush

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Janey36

    The oncology appointment (I am only assuming it  will be to discuss immunotherapy if the scan is clear as they have not actually said in the letter the reason for it because if the scan is not clear then the treatment will be different) will be more than 12 weeks after the operation (which was brought forward). Will have to see what happens with that as it is a different NHS trust. Still waiting for official scan results.

  • Hope you get official results soon Brizzle. The waiting isn’t a fun game that’s for sure.