Surgery day

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Ive at last got my date for surgery....4th april now its here seem to be very anxious.. removing my whole kidney right one by keyhole all being well.. they have told me that after surgery they will move me to high dependency unit just wondered if any one else did this after surgery.. know it needs to come out but still frightened

  • Best wishes for your surgery. It is natural to be worried. I remember waking up in the high dependency post surgery ward and being there for a short time, that night and into the next day. My op was on Tuesday morning and I was home by 11am of the Thursday. We removed the dressings the following Thursday. I remember being amazed at how small the scars were in comparison to a previous hysterectomy. 

    Of course, everyone’s experience is slightly different. I hope your operation goes as well as mine did. 

    Advice: choose easy to put on clothes for going home, soft fabrics and loose fitting, and slip on shoes so you don’t have to bend. 

  • Ive recently had a radical. How have things been going for you  . I have read your profile. 

  • I recovered well, but fitness was knocked back a bit by gout. CT scans clear and went to annual when something showed up in a peritoneal lymph node. Have just finished radiotherapy so fingers crossed. I feel fine, but then I always did. Thank you for asking; I hope you are doing well. 

  • Hi, my partial nephrectomy was on February and I've been in high dependency the first night.

    Good luck for your surgery!

  • So you haven’t needed immunotherapy up to now then or have you ? . You have done well . What stage and grade were you on diagnosis if you don’t mind me asking. 

  • No, just the nephrectomy in 2020 and recently the radiotherapy.

    Original diagnosis was:

    T3a R0, Leibovich 4 clear cell RCC

    I am expecting to hear from the consultant in a couple of weeks to see what she has to say now post SABR. 

  • Good luck to you for that 

  • Thats good going as I would have thought they would have started you with some treatment back then but I guess your Leibovich score was low enough , not that I’m an expert !

  • Hi Lamplight1928

    not sure if they class recovery as the high dependency unit or if it’s something different. All I remember is waking up somewhere and saying yes to a cheese sandwich, apple and cup of tea. Then I’m on the ward making sure I know where my food is and lots of blurry bits. Drug induced random moments.

    I had keyhole done on the Tuesday morning and was allowed home Thursday late afternoon. Comfort is everything. V shaped support pillows are amazing and those grabby stick things too.

    Good luck with the surgery next week, they will all look after you and then your passenger will be gone x