Anyone else have Haematoma post nephrectomy

  • 11 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi there,

looking to find out if others have been told they have a haematoma post nephrectomy. My surgery was in April 2023 and it was a large tumour - 17cm by 16cm by 11cm. 

I had my 6 months ct scan in November and was told there is a haematoma where the tumour was. Does this go away on its own? Are there any complications? Can this cause stomach swelling? 

if anyone has any history/experience of this I would be really grateful to hear from you.

Many thanks 

  • I had one, straight after my keyhole surgery. Tried to get me out of bed on day 1. They couldn't understand why I was in such pain. After further investigation, they found my blood count down. They had to give me Morphine, a pint of blood and medication. What should have been a couple day stay turned out to be a week.

  • I am so sorry to read this. Did it just go away itself after some time? I am not sure what to do about mine as I am in constant pain and I am 8 months post surgery Thumbsdown my letter came back saying NED so I only know about the haematoma cause of a meeting with gynae about my endometriosis which means I have needed a stent in the other kidney. Do you know if they cauThumbsdown swelling? Due to the size of my tumour I have an incision half way across my stomach and down one side and the incision is now “lumpy” at the top of that makes sense. It’s so frustrating that thereThumbsdowns no one to follow up/ask these things to bar your gp Thumbsdown 

  • Mine was completely different. I was fine after they managed to stop the bleeding with medication. I think it just disperses in the body.  My tumour was 13cm, The large incision is lumpy at the edges, but it seems to be healing nicely. I do feel I have fallen off a cliff. Once I had my post consultation with my consultant they have off loaded me to my local hospital, and they have not done any face to face appointments since. It's very frustrating...

  • It really is isn’t it? Glad to hear you are healing nicely. Thanks for responding. Take care.

  • Hi lolly  I was left with a hematomas  follow my nephrectomy   in Sept  on recent scan they said it was thinking slowly  can take man months apparently  . Getting less painful  but still  can't sleep on left side x 

  • Hi Lollym

    Yes, I got one as well 5 days after coming home after a partial nephrectomy in Charing Cross. Worst pain I'd ever known; went into a local hospital and, after a 12 hour wait, was bluelighted to Charing Cross where I stayed a further 3 days.

    Nearly 3 months on from the operation and almost back to normal; on  Adjuvant Pembrolizumab and had the first session just before Christmas.

    All the best with your journey!

  • Hello I am awaiting 6 monthly scan results too

    i haf a radical open nephrectomy 18 months ago and was healing well until about 6 months post surgery. Some swelling and  lumpiness but very large scar was healing. I then felt something change and all my right side abdomen felt as if it fell forward. Now have constant pulsing swelling and pain under rib cage and around operation area. Getting nowhere with GP but feel as if I’m on my own too

  • Hi

    I would suggest contacting the Macmillan nurses to discuss.

    Are you on any follow up immunotherapy? The reason I ask is that I've just started that and was given a 24 hiur helpline number.  

  • Thanks Michael. So strange to get something like this so long after surgery. 

  • I was advised by them to contact my "team" but i dont really have one. I've got a general number i can call for urology at the hopsital so gonna try this tomorrow but everytime i have done this before i have been referred back to my GP and as we all know it's a nightmare getting an appointment with GP.

    I had chromophobe stage 3 and they suggested a trial but said it wasn't really suited for this kind of cancer so i decided to decline the trial. 6 months followup scans and in every 6 months to get stent go in on 18th Jan for this operation.

    Thanks for commenting. Hope you dont suffer too much from the immunotheraphy.