Following on from most recent CT Scan

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  • 46 subscribers

Hello everyone,

my wife (no name from henceforth) has RCC and was diagnosed in January 2022. It;'s been quite a journey and I have added a few posts in the past. I now see the wisdom of choosing an alter ego versus posting in your own name - too late to change now. Sigh

Well, we've had the results via a recent phone call, and the news is good, my wife's tumour has shrunk from 26mm to 23mm. So her regime is working, Ipi/Nivo, now only Nivo, but 23mm - where did that come from? Her original diagnosis was that she had two large tumours. I commented that 23mm didn't seem large, and said that her original diagnosis was two large tumours. Who told you that? Well, I'd rather not say. Then there was mention of a cyst near her ovaries - was this perhaps the second tumour?? 
That said, our oncologist is a nice guy and whatever the original diagnosis, her treatment would have been exactly the same, so no damage done, in fact, much good has been done, so a big Thank You for that. Her next appointment will be in July, and it will be face to face, so we will learn more then. Following the apparently normal cycle of treatments, my wife is now on a once a month infusion of Nivo, which has allowed us to book a few trips away - nothing outrageous, but a chance to get back to normal'ish. 

There is no doubt about the value of this forum and we will continue to post from time to time - many thanks to all for the encouragement