Side effects of immunology

  • 4 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello, first post so go easy lol.

My wife (54) has been diagnosed with kidney cancer that has spread to her stomach and lungs (just had another CT scan to see the whole lungs) and has just started on ipi/nivo immunology. I was wondering what other people had witnessed as side effects? After having the treatment 3 days ago she has been sick and feels generally rubbish.  Does this get easier as the sessions continue?

Greatful for any comments.

  • Hi there!  Unfortunately everyone is different regarding how they react to immunotherapy - even people with the same cancer can have totally different experiences with the same medication.   Your body does readjust and get used to it over time.   I started ipi-/nivo in Jan 2022.  I was very tired and sleepy on the sofa on day 1, but it never happened again.  You should have drugs for the sickness which they normally give out on day 1 along with instructions for their use?  If they are not working, phone up the treatment centre and see what they can do to up the dose or try another drug with the same outcome.  I would say that 3 days in is very early days.  I had a check-in with my oncologist scheduled after a month to see how I was getting on.

  • Thank you, it's very scary not being able to help, but we've been in touch with the hospital and have anti sickness pills so hopefully these will help. As we still early in the process we're hoping for better days soon.

    1. Hi. My wonderful wife is undergoing immunotherapy for kidney cancer. It has reduced the size of tumours in her kidney and lung and stopped the progression of tumours in her spine and arm. She has had some quite severe side effects though. She suffered a severe period of colitis and then a period of pneumonitis. She is now on the single drug treatment and so far there are no side effects. She feels well.
  • Thank you for the replies, we had to have an emergency blood transfusion yesterday as hemoglobin levels and dropped dangerously low, but back home now and hoping for better days soon.