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I went for a routine scan on my liver (ultra sound) Liver normal but a lump was noticed on one of my kidneys. In the past due to previous abdominal CT scans it had already been noted. I was sent for another CT scan with contrast as an urgent appointment and got the results back on the 22nd of this month. My Gastro consultant was very pleased my liver was now completely normal but then the bad news. The lump is been classed as grade 1 cancerous tumour and either some or all of that kidney needs to be removed. This is a massive shock. My consultant has sent everything off to MDT so I have to wait about a week or so (Christmas May delay this) to see what they want t to do. I have been told the turn around for my surgery will be 4/5 weeks (again allowing for Christmas and New Year holidays. I will be on ward 15 Castle Hill Hull UK. She mentioned it looked isolated but will test the tumour afterwards. She talked about lymph nodes not looking affected but after that it’s a bit of a blur. Anyone had this surgery who can give me any comfort ? I am 56 and also had a stent fitted in February after a heart attack this year. 

Thank you 

  • Hi, I had a similar experience when I had appendicitis in September. After a CT scan a large tumour was found in my right kidney. I'm now 4 weeks after having my whole kidney and surrounding viens removed. My surgery was unable to be keyhole due to the tumour size so recovery for me will take a bit longer. I went into hospital on. Tuesday and out on Saturday. I'm still a bit tender and stiff but getting stronger each day. Just remember to rest as much as you can afterwards, fell free to ask me any questions.

  • Hi thanks so much for replying. My tumour is only small but my Gastro consultant couldn’t tell me much on the procedure as it goes to a renal consultant now I presume. I think she said I will have a meeting with someone before I get a date for surgery. I hope they explain what’s going to happen as I have read on this forum it can be a long operation? My stent procedure only took about 20 mins. It was an emergency so I had no time to worry! I was out and home the next day. I hope they don’t rush me home after this operation as I will be terrified and I can’t have pain killers because of my heart disease ! Any other things your can tell me will help me prepare. I am relatively calm at the moment, but that’s the shock I think ! 

  • It is quite a long op....about 3 1/2 hours....I don't know if keyhole is any will be in safe hands. I felt the operation was not as bad as the waiting and not knowing beforehand.

  • Yes the longer I have to wait the more I will over think. I was surprised when my Gastro consultant had got the wheels in motion as soon as she saw the scan. I will try not to over think that bit. As I said she said they have a four week turn around on this type of procedure which seems quick. I would be amazed if it’s as soon as that. She said strikes won’t affect it. Minor ops are affected even though our area Hull and East Riding aren’t striking. It will be a long wait however long it will take. I didnt know how big an op it is. No wonder she gave me a cuddle. Still getting to terms with having a heart attack! I am very lucky I keep telling myself though ! It’s been found eh 

  • Hi Cilla 

    I had mine removed on the 14th November after a very short period from diagnosis to surgery about 6 or 7 weeks in total there are a few tips on here already , but feel free to ask !

    when I came round after my surgery I was groggy and it went well my no issues but once on the ward I couldn’t get in a good position in bed and felt really helpless trying to get myself in the right position but ask the nurses they will help you , you need a cushion with you when you come out in the car if you are being collected . This was done via keyhole surgery approx 4 hours in my case. 

     recovery slow steps at first use the same trick with a pillow by the side when you had you’re surgery in bed to keep the weight of the covers off your side becareful getting in and out of bed ease your way out if you can do it in aided .

    you may need to self inject aswell so you don’t become susceptible to blood clots they will show you how to this before you get released I had to do it for the full course morning and night for 26days all told , medication supplies aswell ask for pain relief  which they should provide for you . 

    Hope this helps 

  • Hi thank you for your really helpful reply ! Would you advise me to get some loose joggers for after the operation ? I have dozens of pairs of jeans and some walking trousers but nothing loose. I am also concerned about pain relief as because of my heart meds which are for life, I can’t even take paracetamol ! Just an aspirin but that again is for my heart. I suppose I will have to ride the pain out.   Also when do you estimate I can walk about? I had to do nothing for two weeks after my stent and it drove me mad. My poor husband had to do everything (he is a rock by the way) It’s the silly things I am focusing on but that’s a coping strategy I think! 

  • Loose clothing is a definite must, when I had my operation they had me up walking the next day in hospital, it was probably 3 days before I was confident to get myself out of bed unaided. As for pain relief I'm not really sure, I was given a spinal block as well as the general anesthesia. Try to keep a cushion handy for a while it helped me to apply pressure when I coughed or sneezed....

  • Thank you so much it’s great to know I have someone to ask things when I have a thought pop up! I ordered two new pairs of pjs and two pairs of joggers yesterday ! X

  • Feel free to ask if there's anything else you think of, it's what this group is good at.

  • Cilla 

    they want you up and about ASAP  but as Arney said you should up and about with in a couple of days , the main point is you go at your own pace , going to the loo is the other thing ensuring you can go and empty you’re bladder , unfortunately for me I had 2 1/2 litres retained and had to have a bag fitted , they insist on you being able to do go before you leave, I am sure they will sort your meds out with your condition in mind . 
    we are here so ask away Thumbsup