Anyone there?

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  • 3 subscribers

So I've stumbled upon this forum. It doesnt seem to busy.

On Friday I found a lump.  Then on Saturday my breasts were coveted in blotchy patches.  Today I saw  GP which confirmed I have suspicious lumps and rash.

After doing some research this is what I found. IBC. Can anyone help me with symptoms and diagnosis?

Worried and scared


  • Hi  it's a scary time when you discover something unusual.  Most of the time breast lumps tend to be absolutely nothing to worry about.  Hopefully your GP has refereed you to a breast clinic so you can get the lumps properly investigated and hopefully diagnosed as being nothing to worry about.

    Please don't start looking on google as information on the internet can be outdated or just incorrect. Also you tend to only get the extreme or worst cases online which are not representative of what is normally the case for most of us.

    Lumps can and very often are benign and nothing to worry about and the only way to find out is to get them properly investigated, everyone is unique and so there isn't a list of symptoms I can give you that would help you self diagnose. Many people don't have any symptoms at all.

    If your GP hasn't referred you for further investigation then I would go back to them and insist that they do.  I imagine they must have done though given they confirmed the lumps were there.

    Hope it all turns out to be nothing.

    The main Breast Cancer forum is the busiest   CLICK HERE and the Awake thread in the Breast Cancer forum is for those who have trouble sleeping at night and want yo talk to others who are also still awake CLICK HERE.