Worrying changes but given good news

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Just thought I would post an update for anyone on this site who is worried about changes to their breasts.  

I was experiencing a large swollen breast, flattening of the nipple and various levels of tenderness and pain that recently started spreading to my armpit area.  The veins on my breast were much more marked than usual and I thought there was a slight discolouration around the nipple area and what looked like mild bruising to the area below it.  I did not have a rash or angry redness etc to the breast which was reassuring but it was only affecting the left breast, so of course I was worried.   This started from about June of this year.  

I was at the breast clinic yesterday and they did an ultrasound.  (They didn't do a mammogram as I had had a clear mammogram at start of June with Action Cancer - I'm 50 next year so I take up their  screening for 40 - 49 year olds).  Anyway they said there was nothing sinister found on the scan and the breast / skin itself looked healthy.  They think it is hormonal related and have told me to increase the amount of oil of evening primrose and that they will see me again in 3 months.

All summer I have been see-sawing back and forth, worrying about IBC to more rational periods were I was relaxed - after all most breast issues and clinic referrals come back clear. I mentioned IBC, but they said there was definitely nothing sinister otherwise they would have sent me for biopsies.  I didn't insist on biopsies (see my previous question below) as they were confident that it was nothing to worry about.   

Anyway, I thought I would post this just to give other ladies worried about breast changes a positive story to take into account.  I know when I was trying to find out if my changes were normal, that there seemed to be a lot of ladies experiencing similar symptoms, but they didn't always come back to say what the outcome was.  I think its helpful to hear about the good outcome as well.  

I must admit, I am still a little unsure about these pesky hormones.  I think its because society tends to associate it negatively or dismissively aka "hormonal women".  I can most definitely say that if my breast changes are due hormones then they do certainly pack a punch.   I think if men had to face this there would be much more attention and responses available!!

I am very relieved but also glad they are seeing me again in 3 months time.  My left breast does not look or feel right, so it was hard for me not to think it was something serious.  But the clinic has given me reassurances.  If changes are scary or not normal for you, please use my experience to help provide some level of reassurance that it just might not be as bad as you fear.  I'm not saying not to get checked - just try not to panic, well not completely! 

Best wishes to all the ladies on this and other breast chats, especially those that are facing or who have faced this horrible disease and yet are still offering support.  This listening, sharing and support that we women give each other other, definitely makes me appreciate being a woman.   

Thank you and good luck.