Weird question - itchy ears?

  • 3 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi everyone,

this may be a bit of a strange one but I’m wondering if anyone has had similar?

I’ve been in remission since October 2019 after having 6 months of ABVD, but in May started with symptoms again - shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, occasional night sweats, raised resting heart rate, fluctuating low grade fever. I know that itchy skin is another symptom and first time round I struggled to identify if it was a symptom of HL I had or not as I get eczema flare ups that start with very itchy skin. How do you tell the difference?

So, when I started getting some symptoms this year I also started getting very itchy ears in the ear canal. And I mean very itchy. I’ve woken a number of times in the night finding myself scratching in the night to the point of making them bleed. I’ve never ever had this before. My GP gave me a spray that cleared it up but then a number of weeks later it’s started again. 

Has anyone else had this sort of problem with HL before? I can’t think what else it could be to suddenly get such a problem with such an intense itch. 

I have a PET scan next week to find out if these symptoms mean the HL has come back or not. If not, then I have no idea what else is causing all these problems. 


Kairen x

  • Hi, 

    I really really hope you’re wrong, but I guess nobody can say yay or nay till you’ve had that scan and results. 
    but please don’t think this means it’s incurable as there are treatments if needed!

    Hugs xxx


  • Thanks Moomy 

    It’s strange but I’m not quite so concerned if it has come back as I know it’s very treatable and it will just be a case of cracking on with things. I think I’m more worried if it comes back ok, as I’ll have no idea what is causing all these problems and the thought of going through loads of tests and stress to find out is tiring just to think about it. 

    The itchy ear thing is weird though and I did wonder of anyone else had had this strange symptom Thinking

  • Hi ,

    just wondered if you’ve had any results yet? Been thinking about that itch and wondering if it’s anything like my hubs has, eczema in the ear canal? He found that out a fair few years ago and finds he needs to de-wax fairly regularly as a result.

    Hugs xxx
