
  • 5 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Starting week 11 post treatment and developed nausea, it's there all the time. I've spoken to my dietician and she's told me it could be

due to coming off all my meds , all at once.

I'm having my pump feed to quickly 

Or because I've started having more solid foods.

Or I may have had nausea all the time but meds masked it. 

Either way it's not nice.

She's told me to slow my pump feed down to 4 hrs and have it I don't lose my appetite through the day. She will check back on me next week see how it's gone. If that don't work ,she said I may have to have some anti sickness meds off the Dr. I really don't want anymore meds since I came off the last lot too quickly. Anyone got any  ideas? Or suffered with this at 11weeks post treatment?
