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Just a quick update and will have to break things down as a lot has happened.  Due to osteoradionecrosis, pathological fracture  fistula, caused by radiation damage I had a free flap scapula reconstruction in Oct 2024. The treatment was very tough and infection complications throughout requiring additional surgery. 

3 weeks in hospital and got up to 13 weeks recovery and all going well however. Serious delay healing until alarmingly titanium plate came through my face and was fully exposed with neck tissue damage. This was devastating as up to 11 weeks things appeared to be going OK. Had another operation to determine extent of damage and bone, flap had failed. 

This takes me to last Tuesday,s operation another free flap scapula reconstruction using my right side. I also have a skin paddle to graft onto the tissue defects on my jaw line. This time no infection, 3 days in intensive care and 4 days on the ward. Now discharged home on NG Tube and next outpatients next thurs. To say the recent surgeries I have had as been a challenge is an underestimation  I feel like my body and mind has been through the mill. Started talking more to people and plan to see psychology soon. I thought I would just update and wander if others out there who have had failed surgeries due to osteoradionecrosis radiation damage. I had hoped that the proton therapy I had for tonsil and lymph node cancer would have reduced the risk of osteoradionecrosis but was told I have been unlucky in addition to the recent failed scapula free flap surgery.  This second time I hope it has worked but time will tell. Replies, questions welcome please.

Thanks Shaun