Thyroid blood tests and swallow exercises reminders

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  • 40 subscribers


it’s that time of year when I have an annual reminder in my diary to get my blood test done to check for my thyroid levels I actually did this at the end of December atmy GP surgery and I’m just popping on here a reminder  to everyone who has had radiotherapy for head neck cancer We are susceptible in years to come for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. The levels that need checking in your blood are TSH and T4. I’m now on my sixth year of being tested and this year the nurse only tested my TSH so I had to go back up again and remind them I need both levels checking

I’ve got my results back and the fine I’m still within the allowed parameters although the numbers are slightly increasing year on  year. 

Another  general reminder to everyone is swallow exercises we were given them to do  during treatment and now I’m fast approaching year seven and I still do them daily. I don’t notice I’m doing them now. It just becomes part of my routine routine. my swallow still remains strong and I do put that down to doing my swallow and jaw  exercises so if you just coming up to the end of treatment  or you’ve finished treatment just keep on doing them. Even if you’ve forgotten to do them for a while it’s never too late to pick them up again

Hope this reminder helps 


  • Birthday time is a good time to schedule thyroid and cholesterol tests. 
    Hypothyroidism causes atheroma.

    We have impacted carotid arteries so keeping cholesterol low and atheroma at bay can only be good


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Thanks Hazel.   Just phoned my GP surgery to request thyroid test.  Explained why.    Hospital hasn’t requested them so they won’t do it.   I’ll get on to my team on Monday.  If they won’t play, I’ll get it done when I get back to Cyprus.  Joy.


  • Hi Liz it’s so infuriating theres no communication or continuity. My oncologist did write but I have to make them at gp aware every time. 
    fingers x you get it sorted. 
    hugs Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers

  • Thank you Hazel,  that's a great reminder. Thanks to you highlighting this earlier, I got the hospital to check my thyroid function at my last checkup in October. I've now put an an annual reminder in my phone.

    1. I must admit I don't do my neck & swallowing exercises any more. I did them faithfully for a whole year after treatment, then tailed off. My cancer nurse said there's lots of evidence that the exercises reduce side effects during treatment & recovery, but there haven't been any longer-term studies. I'm just lazy & I've been fine (so far...) xx

    September 2022 aged 63 diagnosed with HPV associated SCC base of tongue T4 N2 M0. Chemo & radiotherapy for 6 weeks ending Nov 2022. Now over 2 years all clear. See my profile for longer story