Meeting the Oncology Team

  • 5 replies
  • 38 subscribers

So tomorrow I am to meet my Oncology Team for the first time- don’t want to lie about it, I am scared!!

  • Hi Crafty Nanny, welcome to the group. If you can take someone with you, two sets of ears are better than one, also ask as many question that you have, if you can write things down that you are told. It will seem a bit like info overload, remember these are the experts and they are great at what they do, so you will be in safe hands and well looked after. Everyone on here is also happy to help you, so ask any questions you have.


  • Hi Crafty Nanny

    Most of us were terrified, if not all, but once a plan is in place you will be more informed and able to deal with what is to come...ask plenty of questions...pain meds...anti-emetics....aftercare...out of hours support...and as Ray states...take someone with you.

    Avoid Dr Google

    Take care


  • Luckily my Son in Law is taking me, he’s a paramedic. So he can ask the sensible questions and take in all the info that I don’t. I think it’s the fear of the unknown and it will actually also become real

  • Thanks Peter. Will have support with me, luckily. Have completely avoided Dr Google which is so unlike me as I normally want to know everything about anything 

  • Hi Crafty Nanny, once you have that treatment plan in place, and especially with your son helping you understand things, it will get easier.  If when you get home there is something you don't understand fell free to give your CNS a call and have them explain it to you; it is part of their role.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey