Result of my mri scan

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**Cancer Update**
Today I got the best results we could have hoped for of my latest MRI scan……my throat cancer has responded well to treatment Hugging
Towards the end of last year, what started as a very sore throat with fever, followed by a swollen ‘lymph gland’ in my neck……developing into a larger very firm immovable lump, and the key here is ‘not sore’ over several weeks, turned out to be a secondary cancer. The primary being on my tonsils……..for anyone interested, I had exactly the same diagnosis as the Welsh comedian Rhod Gilbert, who did an amazing documentary for standup to cancer, still available on Channel 4.

I’ll have a further and should be the last backup mri scan in 3 months, along with regular cameras down to keep an eye on things for the next 5 years.
Lovely evening celebrating with my boys , with many more planned, here’s to enjoying and making the most of every single day!!
At now 18 weeks post treatment, I’m still recovering, eating still a challenge with very little taste or pleasure and energy levels improving every day, but I’ll take that Sweat smile