Speech challenges following surgery

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all

i had surgery mid July to remove all my tonsils, tongue base mucosectomy and neck dissection. I have not needed CRT. 

there is a lot of scar tissue at the back of my throat and my speech is quite impacted - very quiet, no volume and I struggle with some sounds. My job requires public speaking. 

I also feel that air movement when mouth breathing is very restricted and I’m finding strenuous exercise quite challenging as I don’t feel I can get enough air. Sometimes I get a bit panicky that I can’t breathe. I still seem to have a lot of mucus that feels like it’s blocking everything up. 

My whole mechanics of breathing, sneezing and coughing seems to have changed  

my surgeon has implied this is my new normal and I am getting very upset about it. 

Has anyone had this experience?

  • my surgeon has implied this is my new normal and I am getting very upset about it

    Hi Woodz. I would put this aside 

    Your surgery is pretty recent. My advice would be to work in your exercises religiously, don’t push too hard 

    My base of tongue cancer wasn’t lateralised so I had RT to both sides. This has drastically destroyed the back of my tongue, a picture that my oncologist seemed to delight in showing me at every review. My discharge letter says he is surprised that my swallow function is ok. 
    It’s not just ok but good. I’ve worked at it. 
    Gently gently and don’t expect miracles overnight. You will surprise yourself ( and your surgeon) at how well you do given time. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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  • I had surgery on base of tongue back in November and RT sneezing and coughing was very weird and speech was tricky. I’m a teacher so was in complete panic about all this. Annoying as it sounds it all takes time. You are in very early days.  When I look in my mouth it all looks a bit weird but ive made big improvements. Side of my tongue still feels weird but my speech is a lot better and im back at work 3 days a week having to do lots of talking.  Even on the last 3 weeks I’ve seen improvement. Keep with exercises and eating and drinking well.  You’ll get there 

  • Thank you. I’m still waiting to see a speech therapist- so hopefully I will be given some exercises then. At the moment the focus has been on eating, but that seems pretty OK. 

    Good luck with the new term.