Dry mouth and lips after tonsil cancer treatment

  • 15 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hello every one. Should I bring concerned or is this normal side effects.

I suffer continuously with a dry mouth however much liquid I drink. Any advice on the best things to drink? Also in the morning I wake with very dry edges to my lips. Like chapped lips. Is this normal? Bits of skin on the edges of my lips just peel off. Not very pleasant.? Any advice would be appreciated? Thank you! JCPH X

  • Hi again Fab 1 you are so kind to take the time to reply with words of reassurance and encouragement. I can really feel how you must have felt when your throat was sore. I am so pleased it disappeared within the 48 hours. It was obviously a worrying time. 

    All the people on here are amazing and kind. Without which my own personal journey would have been a good deal darker. 

    Thank you so much!!!! I will let you know  if I find anything that works and am going to look into the recommendations already on here.

    Have a fantastic weekend x Jackie x

  • Hi Hazel thank you so much! Your message gives me other things to look into the hope to sleep website being one!  I use ordinary moisturiser which clearly isn't strong enough. It is such a relief that I am not alone with the dry lips I was worrying unduly! Thank you so much you along with others have again put my mind at rest! Have a great weekend. Jackie x

  • Hi Jackie

    The Biotene mouthwash is good but I find it does not help my dry mouth. It is the moisturising gel that works for me. Grab a tube from the chemist as I think you might find it helps quite a bit.



  • Thank you Lyn I will do xx

  • Thank you Lyn. Will do xx