One year on…..

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Well, this year has flown. It was a year on 8th September that I had a tonsillectomy and hemi thyroidectomy to remove right thyroid and cancerous nodule. In that time I have also had 6 weeks of radiotherapy and not eaten Christmas dinner, despite cooking it! Treatment finished on 5th January 2024 and then the side effects really kicked in… nausea, vomitting, mouth pain, ulcers, sore tongue, struggling to swallow, weight loss (1.5 stones). But that said, looking back it is all a distant memory, my weight has stabilised at the weight I went down to which I’m thrilled about, my taste has returned, but still disappears as I eat, but less so as time goes on. My eating habits have changed, as has my taste in food, but all for the better. I can’t eat bread anymore, too claggy, cakes and biscuits very rarely, and most dry foods are out. Foods I used to enjoy taste different, eg tuna and cheese. Whilst I didn’t enjoy eating at first and had lots of smoothies and powdered protein drinks supplied on prescription, I now find that I am eating much more healthily and not snacking at all. I feel healthier, dog walk daily, have more energy and generally feel so much better. For anyone currently struggling with food and eating, it does get easier and better over time, but persevering and forcing yourself to eat even when you don’t feel like it is crucial. I still feel very full very quickly and could give up eating half way through a meal, but I keep going and consequently I feel so much better for it. The radiotherapy fatigue has gone, and apart from going for a check up every 6 weeks in the ENT department it’s as though it never happened. The oncology department were superb and I never ever felt frightened or threatened by the cancer. I just knew I would get well eventually, although some days were very bleak and painful and only sleep seemed to improve things along with a lot of oromorph, fentanyl patches, cocodamol, anti emetics and antiseptic numbing spray. But now I’m pleased to say I have had no drugs since the beginning of March and feel fabulous. For anyone struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I for one can’t believe it’s a year since my treatment started. Stay positive!!!

  • Thanks for the update. It is so encouraging for people struggling through their early days. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi Sue

    It is great to hear that you are doing so well. What you describe mirrors so much of what happens especially the bit about taste changes and food. I have found exactly the same as you in relation to not eating bread, biscuits and a lot of processed food as it is too dry. In fact I am now eating a much healthier diet as a result and like you feel a lot better for it. It takes a while to get used to the taste changes but once you get your head around it it can be a really positive thing.

    You never take your energy levels for granted again when they start improving.

    Thanks so much for your really positive update.



  • This is a wonderful post. Thank you. I’m 8 months post today and I can definitely see improvement every week. My biggest challenge is dry throat ano dry cough. Also finding foods that are exciting. I need spicy hot foods lone curries and bland need doctoring to increase the spice. Had chicken and leek pie for dinner. It was a slog getting through it . One thing I have learned is to take smaller bites as I end up inhaling tiny bits and the splutter all over the place Rolling eyes

  • Yes! I got so much from this post 

  • Hello cockapoosue

    Thank you for your post. Reading it made me feel reassured. I am nearly 5 months post treatment and I was encouraged to read very similar journey to my own. I will take solice in your encouraging words. I am so pleased you are so well and you are happy with your weight. Thank you so much for posting. JCPH