Free flap fibula surgery

  • 14 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Good evening folk. Just a quick update regards my surgery.  As I have mentioned in previous threads the wheels are in motion for fibula free flap surgery to harvest my fibula and use this to construct most of my lower left mandible.  1st Oct planned and can't come soon enough as I have been managing pathological fracture, infections and now have an oral cutaneous fistula on my jaw, all due to osteoradionecrosis. Trying to keep busy and fit in preparation and increasing calories as I understand that weight loss is significant. Mixture of feelings, sometimes feeling positive and to be honest despairing. I think a lot of feelings have been triggered from previous cancer treatment for tonsil and 2x lymph nodes in 2022. Sending best wishes to all folk fighting their own personal challenges and battles. X