Hello everyone

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  • 37 subscribers

Hello everyone just here to check in and update about little Ollie turning one Hearts

Dad's death anniversary is also coming up, time has marched forwards so fast, I can't believe it's almost been a year. 

I would say I am doing better, luckily I am heavily distracted most days as Ollie is now walking and causing complete havoc in his wake. 

I like to pop back here now and then and re read my blogs, try to remind myself that we survived all that happened and we will survive this too, it's still very hard and I miss my dad dearly. These days I think to myself that everytime I hold my baby I wonder if he feels the safety and warmth I felt everytime I hugged dad. Parenting has also been hard without him, he raised me and I've been kind of stumbling along blindly this year as I've had noone to ask how to do this or that.

Most days are okay, I'm constantly on the go for my boy and it's better for me that way anyway.

Love to you all x