4 years on…..

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  • 38 subscribers

On a lovely summer’s afternoon 4 years ago today, aged 63 - and following a needle biopsy on a pesky lump in my neck -  I received The Phone Call from my consultant telling me that it wasn’t the news he’d wanted to give me - ‘squamous cell carcinoma, probably tonsillar in origin.’  There followed the round of (TORS) tonsillectomy, neck dissection and chemoradiation all completed on January 2nd 2021. What a rollercoaster that all was!

Four years on and life is pretty much back to normal with the only legacies of that difficult time being a stiff neck and occasional dry mouth at night. I also take much greater care of my teeth, visiting my cancer-savvy dentist every four months minimum. I now swim regularly, (which undoubtedly helps with my stiff neck), cycle in the local forest and run 5k three times a week. Life is pretty much back to normal. 

I’ve experienced my share of dark-night-of-the-soul moments in the intervening years but they have all come to nothing. My throat still flares up from time to time for no apparent reason but a few days of gargling with the good old salt and bicarb of soda solution has always sorted it out. 

The last thing the consultant said during that phone call was ‘This is curable,’ and so far he’s been proven right.  So hang on in there if you’re just starting out - this treatment has a great record of working. 

Wishing you all the very best. M

  • Hi Marc 

    remember your early days. Great update and glad you stick around to tell others. Keep doing what you’re doing. 
    hugs Your profile update gels so many 

    Hazel xx

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Thanks MarkEL

    Good to know that  you are doing well and enjoying life...I am one year post treatment (ChemoRadio) for HPV16+ tonsil cancer...things were very tough for about 6 months then slowly started to get better...been on some sunshine breaks, playing a little golf, BMI healthy, taste and appetite quite good, no complaints...still have iffy days now and then...worrying when my throat plays up but I have to remind myself that it took a lot of punishment...Dental hospital has supplied me with Duraphat gum baths...impressions had to be done for that...not pleasant but not overly painful.

    As you say hanging in there is what we have to do...those starting out on the treatment journey will need stamina and strength...treatment outcomes are excellent for most.

    Take care


  • Hi, Mark it's good to hear from you. I'm pleased you are doing so well.


  • On a lovely summer’s afternoon 4 years ago today
    The last thing the consultant said during that phone call was ‘This is curable,’ and so far he’s been proven right.  

    Those two just about top and tail it for most of us....... So wonderful to hear how well you are doing, Mark.

    I signpost many newcomers to your profile so do post your good news there.

    Funnily enough it was a glorious summers morning... during the summer of 2018 when we had weeks and weeks of glorious sunshine when I found my cancer..................


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


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