One year since last RT session

  • 8 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Been a while since I visited the forum.

I wanted to celebrate one year since my last RT treatment for tonsil and neck cancer.

As the song says what a difference a day makes well in my case a year.

It’s been tough, having teeth removed, insertion of a feeding tube, constant sickness for 5 weeks and weight loss but I’m doing fine now.

Eating and drinking alcohol isn’t the same due to dry mouth but with the help of acupuncture, sugar free chewing gum and melts for night time it’s ok. 

I don’t eat as much as before but that’s no bad thing , on reflection I was greedy. I find small meals suit me tasting menus are great. My new motto to my husband is I’m either eating or drinking (alcohol) can’t do both. Not that I’m drinking a lot of alcohol but I find chewing gum whist having the odd G&T helps with the dryness. It does interfere with the taste but it works for me.

I’ve been away twice this year to Ibiza and Alicante something I only dreamed about last year. The holiday insurance wasn’t as bad as I had expected Next month Crete and we’ve booked a cruise for New Year.

Tomorrow I see our son get married and I’m wearing an incredibly large hat to match my dress (something I promised myself when treatment was tough).

What I would like to say to people starting treatment and those who have recently finished. It is hard there are good days and bad days but the good days increase. You may have heard the phrase your new normal by health care professionals and it’s true you adjust. Be kind to yourself and don’t expect too much too soon.

  • Hi BAM23, it's really good to celebrate these milestones, it shows others that it is all doable, with good results. You are doing great. It's good that you have had holidays, and now booked a cruise, my wife and I love cruising. Have a lovely day at your son's wedding, hope the weather stays nice for it.


  • Thank you

    I will 

  • Aw that is so lovely to read. I'm only 8 weeks post RT plus had neck head dissection in march. I feel so positive now to hear your update. I am eating really well everything but very slowly. Im hoping IHugging get enthusiastic about food again at some point. I now eat to survive and get my nutrients into me. So hopefully I will get to your point too . It's when the water blisters appear at back of your mo uth and swallowing is painful until they burst. But at least I can eat and never lost any weight during my whole journey. I actually put on 3 kgs so I was lucky. So surreal writing this as I still feell it's happening to someone else not me. But I survived it all and here to enjoy my life again. Heading to Leeds today to see my two year old grandchild so life's good and lots to look forward to. Have an amazing day at your wedding HuggingHugging xx

  • I wanted to celebrate one year since my last RT treatment for tonsil and neck cancer.

    It’s so lovely to here such an upbeat update. 
    My oncologist told me that my cancer would take a year out if my life but that he would cure me. 
    It did and indeed he did fix me. 
    That year actually flies by. Things keep improving. 
    Have a wonderful wedding and I hope the sun shines not only on you and the happy couple on that day but for the rest of your life. 
    I look forward to your two year update. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you.

    i know what you mean about it not feeling real.

    i did have a few issues with ulcers on my tongue but that seems to have subsided. I do steer clear of chilli though. However I’m going for an Indian meal funnily enough in Leeds on Sunday. It will be my first try with  spicy food since treatment

    you’ve done really well maintaining weight and eating. I eat slowly think it’s the lack of teeth.

    wishing you well with your recovery.

  • Thank you and enjoy your meal Raised hands

  • Hi Bam23

    Roughly at the same stage as yourself.

    It is a long tough journey, lots of rough days with little respite, but things slowly improve, we get stronger and more good days do appear...appetite and taste improve...side effects lessen in severity...feeding tube is removed...

    At the start of treatment we are frightened and unsure of the future....but we find the strength to get through and flourish....with the help of carers and oncology teams...

    Enjoy your sunshine break, cruise and of course your son's wedding.


  • Hi Bam great update especially for others who will walk in your footsteps. Have a fabulous day at your sons wedding photo please if you and the hat. Travel is good for the mind and soul. 

    hugs Hazel. 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help