Mental Health

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Hi, completed radio and chemotherapy for T2 N1 left tonsil squamous cell carcinoma about eight weeks ago. I have started feeling depressed and anxious and am taking medication for both. I imagine this is common as I am now in the uncertainty of awaiting the results of a PET scan in September. Anyone else experience this?

  • Hi Grae

    T2N1M0 Tonsil cancer HPV16+ Chemoradio finished in early June 2023

    I had some problems with anxiety and depression, I would imagine that most of us experience this to some extent , decent sleep was hard to come by at times, treatment was very harsh on us physically and mentally.

    I received my PET/CT scan results last September...all good....PEG feeding tube taken out soon after.... went to the Canaries in late October.

    Take care and best of luck 


  • Hi Peter, Thanks, glad to hear I’m not suffering alone. Pleased to hear about your positive result. I didn’t need the feeding tube, thank god. 

  • Hi Grae Fear not   you are not alone on this mental health . I have been going to private counselling and saw my oncologist the other week who had recommended me to the Dimbelbe centre to see someone. You know exactly what your talking about and nobody can tell you how you should feel as its not them. I would highly recommend walking everyday or two as I think its helped me stay alive All the best minmax 

  • Thanks for the positive words. 

  • Hi Minmax

    I had to give up golf for many months, didn't realise how much I enjoyed the exercise and human contact, as soon as I could I started playing again , had to have a hernia op last September due to coughing and retching from chemo, exercise certainly boosts us both physically and mentally.


  • Hi Grae I would have a word with your doctor or nurse as they offer counselling if you're not coping  well mentally with it. Unfortunately it is just one part of the processes  getting scanned every 12/13 weeks to see if the cancer is growing. This obviously can turn your brain into mush and I do wonder does it become more easier or maybe we become more accepting of our situation. Its good you posted far play it helps you and others All the Best minmax  

  • Hi Peter That is certainly a good way of ruining a lovely walk lol . I gave up smoking drinking and taking drugs as I realise how much I liked everything. All the best minmax 

  • I imagine this is common

    It is and I sympathise. I am medically qualified and managed to gulp down my fears with proper reasoning but the fear is real. 
    Have a read of this article about recovery from cancer

    It really describes what we are going through  

    Don’t hide your fears and get some help if you need it  

    Macmillan offer six free sessions of counselling if you feel you could benefit  


    Hold onto the fact that early treatment failure is very very rare and that cure rates for HPV driven oropharyngeal cancer are in excess of 90%


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi welcome from me. Many of us do feel anxious and many have mild anti depressants. I’m the odd ball  in that respect I didn’t I trusted my team to cure me. but I did have my moments of being nasty to my hubby. It affects us all in different ways. Tonsil cancer was my cancer I had 7 lymph nodes affected as well. Our cure rate is excellent if hpv driven 90 % plus. Many suffer scan anxiety we’re all here for you. You’ve done the hard work now trust in the treatment. My motto is one life just live it. 



    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi Grae

    Congratulations on finishing the radio and chemo, it is a hard gig. Like you I experienced a very 'down' time for a while. I felt so useless and it really impacted me for a while. I even had a 'crying' episode when I was having a check up with my surgeon. He was so great and gave me words of encouragement and directed me to my G.P. In the end I did not go on antidepressants but found talking and expressing my feelings really helped me. However everyone needs to do what works for them. Macmillan has a counseling service that might be worth looking into.

    Things do become easier the further you get away from your treatment I have found. I feel positive about things now and found I have developed a new attitude to life and don't waste any of it.

    I found being involved in activities took my mind of things so started volunteering and joined an exercise group. It is hard to dwell on things when you are involved in something that interests you.

    You will get there it just takes a little time.

    Sending you best wishes

