Feeding tube issues

  • 6 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I had my Gastrontomy tube fitted on Tuesday and have been flushing it daily as still able to eat at present to keep it clean 

Did anyone else find it gets quite messy as I have to clean it up quite a bit daily also find I have feelings of liquid going up my stomach like reflux which I can hear and feel bubbling away in my food pipe

I am concerned about aspirations and wonder if this will settle down or something is gone awry 

Many thanks Pray 

  • Hi Becksley, my PEG would ooze around the 'stoma' site, and I would end up cleaning away the grunge 2-3 times a day.. it did eventually settle down to just the once a day clean.. yeah, they are not fun, but I really did need mine in the end, so it's a case of putting up with it for the time being.. If it does continue ask them to take a swab and have it checked, just to make sure it's nothing nasty.. as for reflux, you should ask for some meds for that, so mention it to your CNS on Monday..

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Hi, Becksley, you are doing the right thing by flushing your feeding tube daily. The only problem I had with mine was, if I didn't make sure the clamp was on properly, then a not very pleasant looking fluid would get into it. It will settle down within a couple of weeks. Once you get used to it, flushing and using it will be much easier. You might want to try taping it down, so it doesn't get tangled with your clothing.


  • Thanks for your reply I have my review tomorrow so will mention it 

    Many thanks Pray Pray Pray 

  • Thanks for your reply I have a little bag and loads of tape to keep it out of the way 


  • Thanks for your reply I have a little bag and loads of tape to keep it out of the way 

    what do you mean by a little bag? if you mean a pouch, just be careful as it may become a bit of a warm moist breeding ground for bacteria which could make things worse.. just a thought.

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Hi Becksley

    I had a PEG feeding tube in place for 5 months....flushed it at least 4 times a day even when not in use....slight leakage at site on most days....reflux was common with me, eventually settled down.....did have a couple of infections at PEG site antibiotics cleared them up....put in place April 2023 removed Sept 2023

    Used a plastic alligator clip and some strong cord to attach PEG to clothing....to keep it neat and tidy
