Side effects after surgery to remove tonsil and lymph nodes

  • 2 replies
  • 37 subscribers

I had surgery for both 5 and a half weeks ago. I'd like advice on side effects that others experienced after this. At present I still experience mild pain in my throat, half my tongue is numb and has no sense of taste and I have shooting pains in my shoulder that seem to be getting worse rather than better. I

Thanks in advance

  • Hi Anniemac70

    I had my right tonsil out at the end of February - it took a full 14 days to recover, the pain was horrendous. At the end of March I had a neck dissection to remove some lymph nodes. My tongue was numb for a few weeks and I suffered a 'wonky mouth'. I also had numbness in my neck and ear. Fast forward  7 weeks and the numbness had almost disappeared and my mouth had improved and I felt I had turned a corner. If I did not have to have RT I think I would have been well on the road to recovery (11 weeks in).

    Just give yourself time. It might be worth speaking to your Macmillan Nurse for advice going forward.

    Best wishes on your recovery

    Dawn xx

  • I had tonsils removed and 2 x neck dissections.  Aside from the first 14 days of the tonsils healing I never really had any issues with that part.

    The dissections can cause various issues, especially with the nerves and that seems to be what you are experiencing.  I would certainly contact the hospital to discuss.  I had issues with my shoulder and it took around 18 months to clear up to the extent where I do not notice it.  It is a long journey I am afraid.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey