Withdrawal symptoms..

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  • 35 subscribers

so, it's 02.45 and I'm climbing the walls.. I reduced my zomorph a few weeks ago to just 1 in the morning and 1 at night, about a week ago I reduced to 1 in the morning.. this week I decide to knock em on the head, but Sunday I hardly slept... Monday night/now I've been doing the okey cokey since 22.30.. left leg in, right leg in. right side, left side, back.. felt a bit flu like.. sort of like you feel after your covid jab, headache, irritable, emotional.. still on the paracetamol, but man, I'm bouncing... think a call to the CNS/GP will be in order in the morning... oh hum..

  • I actually got some sleep... not right through, but it's a start.., probably continue until the weekend and then go one on, one off for a couple of nights and hopefully not encounter any problems..

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive..