Neck Dissection and Tongue base mucosectomy

  • 4 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi Everyone. Hope everyone's doing well.

Just wanted to post an update after this weeks surgery. Had surgery on Tuesday this week and had level 2-4 neck Dissectomy and Tongue base mucosectomy.  All seems to have gone as planned although left with a scar from Adams apple to behind my ear which I have no issues with.  Pain wise neck a little tight but apart from that fine. Throat quite painfull at the minute,very much the same as after my tonsillectomy so I am expecting another week or so of discomfort.

Will see consultant on the 8th May to find out results and next steps in treatment if primary located or not.I certainly feel better knowing the lymph node/nodes containing the cancer cells have now been removed so hopefully another step on the way to recovery.


  • Sounds encouraging Paul. Glad you’re feeling relatively ok. Fingers crossed for the 8th that the news is good and you don’t need any more treatment. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi Paul

    That is a big scar.  I had a similar dissection to remove those lymphs and nowhere near that length.  Hopefully it heals well like mine did without being too obvious.

    If it feels like you have had another tonsillectomy I bet when they tubed you they scratched the tonsillectomy site.  They have done that to me in the past.  I now ask the anaesthetist to be extra careful.  That area remain super sensitive for a very long while.  Best to treat the pain like another tonsillectomy, keep on top of it but know it will go around day 10.

    Hopefully you will get some answers on the 8th.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hello Paul my husband had the same surgery. He is 8 weeks now recovering. Did you experience tightness around your throat from the scar? My husband is and it’s very uncomfortable. He says it feels like something is pushing against his Adam’s Apple 

  • Hi Paul

    I had the same surgery back in February and I did find the pain got a lot worse a few days into my recovery and was quite miserable. It does pass though and I’m now recovered, my scar is hardly noticeable, and I’m back doing everything I did before. I even did a triathlon a few weeks ago! I have been told that all the cancer was taken during the surgery and no further treatment is required for now so it’s just regular check ups.

    Really hope you’re as lucky as I was - if you have any questions just ask.  I kept a journal during it all so I can refer back to it for anything specific.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery - just be patient and you’ll get there! 
