Good News!.... Now what to eat?

  • 6 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all!

Just a quick update! I had my MRI & PET scans a fortnight ago. I saw my oncologist last Tues who said although the results of both scans looked encouraging the PET scan staff were sitting on the fence and would not make a call due to hit spots showing up. ( I anticipated this may well be a possibility having read previous experiences on here due to the short space of time between treatment ending and the scans- around 16 weeks.)

However, to my relief I received a phone call off my macmillan nurse on Thursday who gave me the news that although there is something showing on the scans- having gotten opinions from several radiologists at the hospital and after having another MDT meeting regarding my scans they believe there is no reason to suggest the hot spots are anything other than RT damage. So looking good!

Big thank you to everyone on this forum that has offered me insight to their own struggles and valuable advice which has been vital to me in aiding my recovery and I'd say more importantly help win the mental battle we all face when enduring the after effects of treatment. 

I have finally stopped using my RIG and can now swallow liquids without issue and am working my way back onto solid foods.

I'm keen to experiment and so was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? Too many unsuccessful foods to list but so far the best things I've found that work for me are; 

Eggs (scramled/poached),Yoghurt and pasta. I'm keen to introduce more protein/meats into my diet and get back to eating relatively normal meals. Sausages so far have been more tricky than expected and mince seems to be getting into all the sores in my cheeks so still rather uncomfortable.

I'm not expecting miracles and know I've a long way to go but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



  • All sounding positive Ben, long way to for sure but you'll get there!

    I found (still do) that meat goes down a lot easier if it's slow cooked, if you don't have a slow cooker I'd advise you to invest in one; so easy to use and great results in my experience.

    Community Champion Badge

    Metastatic SCC diagnosed 8th October 2013. Modified radical neck dissection November, thirty-five radiotherapy fractions with 2xCisplatin chemo Jan/Feb 2014. Recurrence on larynx diagnosed July 2020 so salvage laryngectomy in September 2020.

  • Slow cooker is a great shout! Thanks will be sure to give that a go.

  • Hi. I don’t eat meat anymore as I’ve found fish & vegetarian food much easier to eat & now have no desire to revert back. 

  • Hi Ben. Well done. You’re on the way 

    I’ll echo the slow cooker. Lamb is a good meat to slow cook. It’s tender and fatty. 
    When you’re ready to try chicken stick to thighs and casserole them. 
    Steak, for me was good cooked very rare. 
    If you want to try chips use sweet potato. 
    Im sure folk will come up with more  suggestions. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Ben. Well done and baby steps is the way forward. Mince fir me took well over 2 years ti be comfortable strange ad people couldn’t believe if. I found a decent eg marks and spencer lasagna  doable but couldn’t manage home made. Fish is easier salmon flakes easily. Chicken thighs and kegs over chicken breasts every time. Lots of gravy. Sweet potato over ordinary far less gloopy. 
    You might find. Something in this link
    hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers

  • Hi Ben

    I find that meat is very hard to manage as it seems to go all stringy when I blitz it to make it easier to manage. It just goes around in my mouth even when I add gravy or sauce to make it moist.I found that a shop bought fresh or frozen Shepherds Pie works well. It is very moist and has veg in it and goes down a treat. I add extra steamed veg such as carrot and pumpkin and blitz down harder to manage veg such as cauli and broccoli and add it in. You can add in baked beans if you want extra protein.

