Mouth cancer

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Well I’m back after  a major 19 hr operation to remove jaw and cancer in back of mouth teeth taken out my tongue feels too big for mouth need speech therapy and go back for another op Tuesday to look at metal plate holding new jaw bone, as might have infection.its been a shock I had month in hospital home but then back again. 

I was so well cared for by staff and made some amazing friends although some patients are so rude to these wonderful people who care for them.

anyway they informed me at clinic yesterday that they got all cancer but of course need radiotherapy now to be extra sure. I’m so glad I’m alive as cancer had spread to jaw bone and three lymph nodes, lots were taken out to be extra sure.

 my face is a bit lop sided but it’s only 5 weeks so I know ahead I will improve had tracheostomy which to me was the bane of op but it did its job and I’m free of it now it’s healing up. 

Just to say be strong and keep moving towards the end target I’ll keep you updated x