Dad’s pain and infections post jaw reconstruction

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all,

My Dad had a fibular free flap reconstruction and neck dissection on 20th February. Six days into his recovery it failed and he had to have it all removed and re-done using skin and tissue from his right arm. 

That was three months ago. Since leaving hospital he’s had at least five post operative infections and spends a lot of his time in agony. His current infection is the worst and he’s been throwing up. He’s been prescribed antibiotics and they seem to be helping. His consultant said he may need a MRI. This seems to be a step that should be done as a matter of urgency but my Dad’s consultant seems more relaxed about it than we are.

Is it normal to have this number of infections? Is it normal to be in so much pain?

Thank you for reading this,

Jenny x

  • Hi Jenny

    I did not have a fibula free flap but a graft from my arm. I had no issues with infection and a normal recovery with minimal pain. The number of infections your dad is having does seem more than normal. I do hope that they can get on top of it soon as it must be really holding back your dad's recovery.



  • Thank you for your response Lyn. His consultant has asked to see him on the 18th of this month. Seems like a long time to wait under the given the circumstances. I just wish I could take the pain away. It’s really impeding his recovery. I just want him and Mum to be able to make plans and get on with their lives. He’s 75 and needs lots to look forward to.

    Praying it settles down very soon xx

  • Hi Jenny

    Is your dad on the right sort of pain relief? That really needs to be addressed as there is nothing more soul destroying as being in constant pain. Can you ring the consultant's secretary and explain the situation re the pain and the detrimental effect it is having on your father and get an earlier appointment? 

    Your father has lots of years ahead to look forward to once he gets over this awful time. You will need to continue to be a strong advocate for him as at the moment is in no position to do that for himself easily.

