Liquid diet ideas

  • 48 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Not sure if this is any help to anyone, it maybe of no help at all but .... !     

Oh and please feel free to add any ideas of your own.

I am purely on a liquid diet, which is sooooo boring !!!! 

So i have invested in a small electric chopper and a small electric smoothie maker, this stops me from making too much as i can only drink a small amount at a time, because of the pain i get from under my tongue when swallow.

 I live on my own, so i am not cooking for others and get a lot of wastage buying normal amounts of veg, meat etc. So i buy.....

* Various soups, fresh tubes...... not cans or packet 

* Pkt baby sweet peppers

* Pkt baby carrots

* Baby tomatoes

* and any other small/ individual packets of veg i fancy 

You can add herbs, garlic, various vinegars, tomato, bbq, brown & other sauces, mustard for a little more flavour.

* A small amount of loose green beans, sweet peas, mushrooms, a sweet potato and any other loose veg i fancy.

* Small packets of varius cooked meats. or one portion cooked meat of the hot deli... ribs, chicken  etc. 

You could add rice, pasta, maccaroni and noodles, but i've tried it and it's good, but unfortunately they thicken it too much for me to swallow, I may just blend a small amount of mince & some pasta sauce and tone it down with some milk/stock/water etc and try that ?? 

I decant the soups into small pots and freeze them and take one out each day.

First I bung my chosen veg & a couple of chunks/slices of cooked meat, along with a pot of soup, some stock,  or a small drop of wine, apple juice { especially with pork } or milk etc and chop it down.

I then put it all through the blender, adding anymore 'liquid' if needed, this takes out any and all remaining lumps and thins it down enough for me to manage.

Buying these small packets of cooked meat & veg means i don't waste half as much food and i'm still getting fresh meat and vegtables.. all be in in small amounts, but it's better than none at all.

I find i can get a lot more variety of flavours by doing it this way , I do have a slow cooker and make, and love stews, but they can be a bit same old and get boring mainly  because i end up making far too much for me. If i separate it into smaller portions i feel as though i'm having the same thing for ever and a day .... 

Also with the blender i make milkshakes with fresh or frozen fruit, milk an ice cream... oh and a dollop of honey or cream, or both  !.  I mix yoghurt with milk as some yoghursts are too thick and sometimes just blend some fresh fruit with different fruit juices. 

The biggest bonus is, that when it's all chopped, blended and in the sauce pan cooking through,  I can get the washing up done and then all i have left after is my bowl to wash !!

If i found i've made too much i just pop whats left into a container and have again later that day or the next.

Oooooh how i so, so miss real food, especially pasta, burgers, chinese ... i can go on and on  SobSobJoy

Cat x

  • Hi Cat I bought a soup maker which I find invaluable. Making your own soups just a thought. It also doubled up as a blender smoothie maker mine a morphs Richards all in one . Another tip for your concoctions add double cram for calories to soups once made, grated cheese or Philadelphia.

    You’ve complied a great list. Thank you am sure it will help others. 
    Hugs Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers

  • Hi Cat

    Thanks so much for the great ideas.  Just until recently I had to eat lots of soup as unable to eat anything with lumps in it but I was not as inventive as you. I got in lots of veg and meat by putting them in a stock and adding a ready made meal such as a shepherd’s pie and then blending. However you have listed such a lot of other ideas that I had not thought of.

    After my recent reconstructive surgery to my top jaw I can no longer manage soups as they are too thin and come out of my mouth as I don't have a complete lip seal at the moment.(I am having 3 more small ops that will hopefully solve that) Currently I am using the same sort of recipes but with a thicker texture as this will then stay in my mouth.

    I am definitely going to try some of your ideas but make the texture thicker.

    It does suck when you can only manage liquids but you have taken up the challenge so successfully.

    I used to take soup with me in a vacuum flask and pour it into a cup and drink it with a straw when I went out and that worked well  topped up with a Fortisip.

    I now have to learn new ways and means so am having to experiment and take up a new challenge.

    I too miss things like sandwiches, roast meals, a burger but you get used to it after a while. I watch my husband eat and ask him to give me a tiny corner of the food and suck it for a few moments to get the flavor. Hot chips and bacon are quite nice like that.

    I am in new territory at the moment so may be able to eat things with more texture as time goes on but have yet to find out.

    Thanks again for your ideas.



  • I'm so glad it's helped Sophie

    You sound as though your really going through the mill at the moment, i so hope it all goes well for you.

    My cancer is on the back, and right side of my tongue and on the floor of my mouth at the back, so any real movement of my tongue for a length of time, even talking, can end up painfull.  Unfortunately using a straw is out of the question for me, sometimes i use a teaspoon, this limits the amount i put,  because sometimes i'm enjoying it so much i forget and my tongue cant cope with it.

    You saying about your husband eating, i'm finding that my friends and faimily are starting to apologies for eating in front of me and ask if i mind, which is lovely of them to be so considerate, apart from my son, the git, who just winds me up !!

    One of the packets of mest i have at the moment is pieces of mild bbq chicken. After i've put some in for my soup i put a tiny piece in my mouth to let it 'disolve'... Oh my taste buds go mental, it's lovely. !!

    I'd forgotten abot adding Fortisips as i don't have them anymore, but that's an execellent idea, I also forgot to say about cheese   again it makes it a little too thick for me, but double cream .. well i'll just have to pick up some Roddar's today !!

    Also, maybe add protein powder, complain etc to them, that may help thicken it up and also help with any weight loss.

    Have a great day all, I'm looking forward to seeing my son later as it's his 27th birthday today... umm that makes me feel old .... !!

    Cat x

  • Cat. This is really useful info. Macmillan don’t pin posts unfortunately but if you could copy and paste into your profile I can link folk to it any time. Thanks 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Cat,

    Thank you so much for this. I am at a total loss of what to eat. It's so hard when there's only one of you, I throw so much away. The result being I basically just have fortisips. I try things now  and again,  but it makes my throat/tongue sore or tastes of poison/nothing, so not really worth the bother. I've decided to stay away from processed food and make my own, but was struggling for a start point. I don't really care if I eat or not now to be honest, so this has spurred me on to make the effort. Thank you Blush

    Linda x

  • Your welcome,

    I completely understand, It's hard to be inspired into eating when your mouth hurts, food tastes foul or you can't chew/ swallow very well, maybe even all of the above !!   So it's  easy to give up especially when your on your own.. after all what's the point ???

    Sounds daft, but on the days i couldn't be bothered i'd just put a small boiled sweet or similar in between my gum and cheek and let it melt away.  Sometimes just that one little bit of flavour spurred me on for another tiny taste of something... It can 'get the ball rolling' .

    Small steps

    Cat x

  • I would if i knew how !! 

    Cat x

  • I would if i knew how !! 

    Click on your name. You’ll see edit profile. Copy your post and paste it into the edit. Xx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Marscapone cheese is a good softer but calorific option.

  • I'll give it a go, i've never been a bit cheese person, only the usual hard cheeses, especially Davidstow and i used to love  Boursin with a bit of toast !

    Cat x