First week done

  • 2 replies
  • 39 subscribers

My first week of RT is done, thankfully they've given me a break for a while before my next lot. Seeing my Oncologist a week today and my consultant on the 23rd.

The RT has left me feeling tired all the time, all i want to do is sleep.  Also feeling sick after having my soups and yoghurts etc so not really having anything orally now, dietitian is putting my 'feed' up and sorting out some anti sickness.

Hope your all dong ok out there.

  • Hi Cat. Well done. Those weekends off were a godsend for me. It was a two hour each way drive for me and I was truly grateful for the break. 
    Listen to your body and sleep. It’s a good healer. Let yourself be looked after. Cuddle up in the sofa under a duvet and watch rubbish TV. 
    If the anti sickness doesn’t work tell your team. There are lots of alternatives and we tend to have the cheapest offered first. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

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  • As much as it pains you to eat and drink. Think of them as essentials like the treatment, I am actually going through it again now preparing for round three. All the best