Week 1 of treatment..tonsil cancer

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  • 46 subscribers

So my husband has just finished his first week 5 RT and 1 round of chemo so far and dispite all the medical team telling him he won't notice any side effects for a couple of weeks his taste is already changing most things are tasting funny now and all he seems to eat without fuss is dairy...he is a real foody and he is so worried its never going to come back.

Can anyone please share their experience with this?

Tonsil cancer so treatment is in the mouth and tonsils were removed...surgeon made a great job of butchering his tongue so he had taste bud damage from that as well 


  • Hi 

    it’s par for the course what he’s going through. I’m 3 years post radiotherapy for tonsil cancer with several affected lymph nodes. So have been  there , my taste wasn’t too bad but the metallic taste snd everything like cardboard is normal. 
    The only way to handle these next few months for me was to think food is fuel snd eat to live not live to eat. Everyone is different the hospital staff just tell you general advise . My blog is detailed below with links to other sites that may give you an idea. 
    Now there’s very little I can’t eat mostly highly spiced food but it does take time. There’s no easy fix but the end result of cure is infinitely better than the alternative.

    Taste buds do change some things more than others but it will take time. personally I went through a very salty period.

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • Hi Bex. The Cisplatin is the culprit in the metallic taste Hazel describes but that will go when treatment ends. I didn't have much happening on the RT front till the end of week 2 and by end of week 3 I was finding it impossible to swallow. Two plus years on most of it is back to normal. Taste sometimes isn't in HD but I can eat mostly anything and my saliva is perfectly acceptable, though reduced. I am a manic tooth cleaner...that happens to most of us. Wish him well...he's got this


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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  • Hi, Bex 1983 yes I remember the horrible metallic taste, and the cardboard taste,  just like your husband I thought, I would never taste or eat proper food again. Well I was wrong it does come back with time, and it will for your husband too. He will get through the treatment and come out the other side, many of us on here have, so it is doable. If you have any worries just ask on here, someone will always help if they can, and always ask his team about  anything you are worried about. All  the best to you both.

    Ragards Ray

  • Hi Bex

    Yes.  I had radiotherapy, no chemo.  Some foods had an awful metallic taste - like chewing a pocket full of coins.  Either that, or a few  foods had no taste whatsoever.

    Difficult as it is, your husband will have to concentrate on just getting the nutrition into him rather than enjoying his food.  Once the treatment is finished his taste will slowly start to recover.  For some people this can happen fairly quickly, for others it takes a bit longer.

    Linda x