Quick Update

  • 14 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Hello All

Not been on here for a while, was taking my 3 months off from the roller coaster.  Been back at work doing my 10 hours a week in 2 shifts, to be honest it has been harder than I thought in terms of energy levels but also been good for my mental health in term s of some normality.

I had my first camera up the nose in over a year this week, good news is everything looks OK.  Found it funny when consultant said they would see me every two months now.  I asked if this was necessary as they have left me a year without a look see.  I have a phone consult with lung oncology on Monday which I am not happy about, I have had no letters and last conversation said this 3 month check was to have a chest xray and discuss, no xrays booked so this will be a waste of time....  Also have IBD on Friday first time in 2 years due to other things going on.  Ho hum,   Regarding lungs I get hay fever and due to scarring left on my face and nose and the radiotherapy have been struggling a bit wheezing like some old bagpipes, dont think I will get much better on this score but it does not help with the fatigue.  Still get some bad days where I feel wiped out.

Next Friday is going to be fun, I have Sherman booked in the groomers at 9.00 he takes 2 hours to do, then supposed to be in the hospital at 12.15 if I make it with the manic lunch time traffic on a Friday, then have to get the cat to the kennels at 2.00pm because we are off on holibobs to Cornwall with Sherman early hours of Saturday.  Going glamping on the hills near St Ives, its all dog friendly as the lady that owns it has 8 Newfoundlands but its the first time we have gone away with Sherman.  Keep your eye on the Cornish local papers as we get barred from everywhere with his naughtiness.  Have visions of a dog fastened to a bell tent being chased by two humans flying over the Cornish hills.  He may be an angel ha ha.

Anyway keep safe and well all, if anything happens from all my check ups will let you know but fingers crossed, I keep telling everyone that the devil decided against me and has sent me back to annoy everyone a bit more, hells not ready for a mad St Bernard lady.

Lots of love

Mo xx

  • Hi Mo.  That's great  news that you now have a diagnosis and that recent tests are looking good.

    I wonder if this diagnosis will make a difference to any future treatments you might need?  Hopefully you won't have any recurrences so won't find out!

    Take care. 

    Linda x

  • I've only just seen your post Mo. A bit of a mixed bag to say the least! Glad you got away and Sherman behaved himself. I hope you get a better idea of what's going on with the genetics team. The waiting is the worst bit.

    All the best

    little-fi xx

  • Hi Little Fi, how are things with you, good to hear from you.  The Ferguson Smith diagnosis only explains facial cancers not the epiglottis or the lung, to be honest I dont really know what difference this will make to all that has gone on and still blame the immunosuppressants.  The IBD team have said they cannot give me any treatment, ho hum.  Anyway still working on regaining some energy levels, had all my hair cut really short as decided it was a mess from the chemo tufts and straggles bits growing curly and some not growing at all so bit the bullet and have gone really short.  Also we have signed up to an archery course starting next month, I bought Ian an experience for his birthday and he loved it so we have decided to go and do a proper course a bit of sport but not to tiring.  Always good to learn something new.

    Love Mo

  • Hi Mo, thanks for the update. It sounds like the genetics thing is more for their benefit and future understanding of this disease. I hope you manage to get your energy levels up, easier said than done I know. I am constantly trying to keep my weight up but it's hard work.

    Enjoy your archery course. Hubby and I had a go at that on a weekend away with friends. Great fun but I didn't quite have the strength in my upper right arm/shoulder (arthritis kicking in) to get a decent score but did manage at least to get most of the arrows on the board! LOL.


    little-fi xx