Two Years Today

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Two years ago today at 1pm I slid off the radiotherapy treatment table for the last time

After six weeks of treatment I felt a wreck but deliriously happy. If Singleton hospital had had a bell I'd have rung it off the wall fire alarm fashion.

I had the past weeks schedule in my pocket which I asked the radiographers to bin with my mask. Bye Bye and I walked out into the sunshine, then went home to sleep for two weeks.

I just wanted to update to say two days ago I had a hospital check up with NED.

Tonight I am celebrating with a huge sirloin steak a pint of ale and some Victoria sponge for pud.

It's been a bit of an up and down road but I'm fit again, saliva isn't much of an issue though the dryness is a reminder but tolerable. I can eat more or less anything and life has returned to enjoying splendid isolation in rural Wales with husband, dog, hens and bees.

Six weeks after treatment finished was a turning point and 12 weeks a real watershed and I find that improvements still continue.

So this is a short note to everybody just starting out on what seems to be an epic expedition to say that's it's just a temporary malfunction with normal......ish service resumed.

Stick with it,  trust your team even if you can't trust your body at times and lean on your family.