New here, not diagnosed yet but very worried

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Hello I am new here and I hope it is okay to post as I haven't been officially diagnosed, but am very worried I have throat cancer.
I have had a constant sore throat and swollen tonsils for over 2 months now.
I am waiting to get into and ENT, but they are so backed up it will be another month until I can get in.
It all started in early November. I noticed my throat was red and I was having some fatigue, then I caught a virus and my throat got really bad with white spots everywhere. The Dr said she had never seen a throat that bad. Strep and covid tests were negative but they gave me penicillin anyways. Throat improved a bit, but never fully, and then a week or so later was just as sore again.
I also have had a white spot on my left tonsil since June. Which isn't a tonsil stone. There is also a flat white area over my right tonsil. I have been having nosebleeds also, and it burns my nose and throat to breath.
Also at this time I started a blood pressure medication which I think caused extreme dry mouth. Dr's are unsure it was caused by the med, but it happened at the same time. Then my parotid gland and submandibular glands swelled up, and the back of my throat bled a bit. Throat has been very sore this whole time. They tried another antibiotic, which didn't help.
Now they have prescribed prednisone.
The most concerning symptom is the fatigue, I can barely get through the day and have to nap after both lunch and dinner. I have never been this fatigued in my whole life. So I am very worried this is something bad, as it has been so long with these weird throat and gland symptoms and fatigue. 
The having to wait a month until I can see an ENT is very stressful, and I am sure does not help. 
Anyways, I hope it is okay to post here.
  • Hello Veronica

    It is very OK to post here. I'm sorry to hear what a worrying time you're having. It doesn't sound as though your doctors suspect cancer so that's good. Fatigue isn't generally a throat cancer symptom I think, it could be post-viral. The swollen glands could be just a reaction to an infection. Definitely it should be checked out so it's good that you are seeing ENT, though a month seems like a long time to wait when you are so stressed.

    In the meantime try not to worry, and stay off Google as it is full of wrong, out of date and worst-case info. There are lots of people on here with more knowledge and experience than me who I know will reply to you soon - it's such a trustworthy and supportive forum. 

    Good luck,  and let us know how you get on. 


    September 2022 aged 63 diagnosed with HPV associated SCC base of tongue T4 N2 M0. Chemo & radiotherapy for 6 weeks ending Nov 2022. Now over 2 years all clear. See my profile for longer story

  • Thank you. I did just find another swollen lymph node by my collar bone that is very swollen. Along with the fatigue and other swollen nodes, I am very concerned it is cancer of some sort. 

  • Hi  

    It all sounds viral to me too. Has your GP referred you on the cancer pathway or is it just a general referral? Where in the UK are you?


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi,Vervonica, the things you are describing could be a lot of things, other than cancer. However, having to wait a month seems quite a long time, as you are so worried. You might be best to go back to your GP and tell them how worried you are and ask them to put you on a 2-week referral. I hope you can be seen earlier to have your mind put at rest. In the meantime, ask anything you want on here, we are all here to help.


  • Hi Veronica

    Medics are doing the right thing by setting you on the ENT urgent referral path...just a pity you are having to wait so long...maybe try phoning ENT to be fitted in earlier? or ask about the possibility of a private consultation?

    Dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications.


  • Hi

    me 2

    new here also

    awaiting more tests

    frustrating and hard to cope