Trying to cope and confused

  • 4 replies
  • 145 subscribers

I try to search here for anything about assmetry in the tongue but i cant find anything or anyone that has had it snd can it be linked to s cyst im so confused and fustrated as to why ent said cyst but has put this assymetry are they the same thing ??

  • Hi. Asymmetry means the tongue doesn’t look the same each side, a cyst would make the tongue asymmetrical. The cyst is in that case is causing the asymmetry. 
    An asymmetrical tongue isn’t a disease. It’s a description of the tongue’s anatomy.

    If you had a finger missing in one hand your two hands would be asymmetrical 

    Please you must just keep busy and wait for a proper answer from your consultant. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Right i see on my notes the ent hasnt mentioned the cyst he spoke to me about juat the assymetry i wonder why he hasnt put cyst on the notes . And i do rember himm saying cyst and dosnt look suspicious i may try rng today see if i can get some answers 

  • Hi mortigger, giving them a ring today, is a good idea, hopefully they can give you the answers you need, to put you mind at ease,


  • Not replying so i guess they are not back till after the new year