Hi new here

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  • 141 subscribers

Hi new here,

Having Tonsil biopsy tomorrow, after lump found in neck had cancer cells within it.

Not sure what to think ,very scared , key worker assures me we can get through this ! 

Any positive words would be appreciated 

  • Hi Hazel ,

    Thanks for your positive words ,it's what I need at the moment x

    Hope your next surgery goes well and you heal quick , keep informed x


  • Hi welcome from me. I’m Hazel 6 years post chemo radiotherapy for tonsil cancer lymph nodes as well. Our cancer respond extremely well to treatment as lots of us on here can testify. 
    ask any questions. Feeling scared is human nature. We’re here to hold your hand. 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hello Spider

    So understandable being scared….but along with the others who have responded we’ve come out the other side.  Your key worker is right. It’s not a walk in the park, but we get through it.  My ‘journey’ (dreadful expression) started with a lymph node in my neck swelling up suddenly.  The primary in my case was at the back of my tongue. It was discovered really early thanks to the fast action by my GP who had me in front of her within an hour of notifying the surgery of the appearance of the lump and referred me immediately.
    I opted for surgery to remove it…along with a raft of lymph nodes, only one of which was cancerous.  Surgery was painful for about  a couple of weeks, but healed up pretty well. Hospital and a nurse at my GP surgery made sure I had pain killers.  They were unable to get a big enough margin round the primary so radiotherapy was recommended to mop up any stragglers.  Not much fun….but 9 months after treatment things are going pretty well.  My scans at just over 3 months were clear and I’m being monitored routinely.
    I discovered this forum rather late in the process…but have found the experience and the kindness of those so readily to share advice really helpful.

    Good luck tomorrow.  

    ps. You have no idea how strange it feels to be talking to a spider.  I am a terrible arachnophobe…particularly at this time of the year when the large clog wearing variety decide to take up residence in the living room.  The joys of living in the country!

  • Hi Liz,

    Thanks for reaching out to me ! Sorry about the spider thing it's all I could come up with ,when I joined as I was looking at a spider plant!

    It's Mark 

    Talk soon again I hope 

  •  I am a terrible arachnophobe…particularly at this time of the year when the large clog wearing variety decide to take up residence in the living room.  The joys of living in the country!


    I love those. I have trained the dog not to chase them when they make a break across the floor. 
    At the moment we have one living under a wall hanging in our bedroom. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Ugh. The thought of it makes me shudder. Good job we’re all different!  Up to six legs I’m ok.  Anything beyond that no chance.

  • Hi Mark

    Spider thing is me being daft I expect.  My Dad used to tell me they were more afraid of me than I of them.  Jury’s still out on that one!

    All the best tomorrow.


  • Hi Mark,

    Welcome to this friendly group made up of Head&Neck patients( all at different stages with differnt diagnosis and treatment plans )plus family members.

    There are people on here who are overs 6 years after their treatment  My top tips at this point are:

    *try and keep that anxious brain (which is full of fear at this stage … totally normal!)busy busy busy.Do things that you enjoy I watched anything and everything on tv/netflix.
    * stay away from google ! this group of people have lived experience and extensive knowledge.Never a daft question( I think I asked them allJoy).      

    *take someone with you to appointments or ask them to write a brief summary of what they’ve said. Make sure you have contact numbers of team at Hospital and ask them any questions you have.            

    * No matter what the outcome is stay hopeful …, it’s a really tough time for the majority of us but we made it through and you will too x


  • Hi Debbie, thank you for your reassurance,be hearing from me again x ,just get this next step done tomorrow x


  • Fingers crossedfor best outcome …. there is always someone here willing to support x
