Mouth and throat

  • 18 replies
  • 138 subscribers

Looking for advice from people who have had similar surgery for mouth and throat cancer 

  • Hi Lynn you have been threw so much . I suffer mood swings at moment I know how lucky I still be a life.  Don't think I have fully excepted I've had ca cer I feel so alone amd isolated thats why I joking this group to see if I could gwt help kimd reguards aliaon

  • Hi Alison

    You will certainly get lots of support from this group. I felt alone too although I have a lovely family. They were supportive but did not understand the emotions involved in such a big change to my life and the ongoing side effects from the radiotherapy and ops. I can chat here and know that people have experienced something similar and 'get it'. Initially I felt as you do now. My mind used to trick me a bit and I would think that I would wake up and everything would be back to normal. It took a while to accept and move forward. It was a big op you had and a big change to your life but hang in there and take it a day at a time.

    There is a good article by Dr. Peter Harvey called 'After the Treatment Finishes-Then what? You can google it. It really helped me in my recovery phase.

    I have found the biggest challenge is around eating and the changes that have occurred. However I have now got my head around it and am coping fine in that department. It was a game changer in the looks department when I finally got my upper denture, (although I am no oil painting) it gave me more confidence in getting back out there.

    Sending big hugs




  • Hi This  is the article if you’ve not read it that Lyn mentioned.

    It has helped a lot of people over these years me included. 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi Ali0304

    Like Hazel I didnt have the same cancer or treatment as you but just wanted to give you a warm welcome to the group. 
    There is never a silly question,as you can see it’s a group of people all willing to share their own unique experience and their knowledge x


  • Eating was a problem for me at first started of on blended food  and fortisps after a while I came of as it was making me feel sick after speaking to my dietician she but me in soft solid food after a week I was eating cooked meals cakes the lot . I'm no oil painting either I can cope with having wait for my teeth it's just the part and having no use in my left arm. And still feeling numb on right side of fave/neck/shoulder. Kind regards  alison

  • Hi Alison

    That's great that you have the food issue sorted. I can only manage pureed food for a few reasons and will always be on it which has a few challenges when eating out. What is the cause of your left arm not working? After my neck dissections I found that I had reduced range of movement in my arm but it came good over a few weeks.Does your consultant think that it will improve over time? I found the numbness/altered sensation in my face, neck and shoulder did improve over time although I still have it to an extent. It is something I have got used to over time. How long since you had your surgery?



  • I had my operation on the 13 July they had to take the skin and sine if the arteriea  for my palet of the mouth its what they call a balloon now on my wrist and took skin of my stomach to replace on my wrist I think its how they had cut it. Blended food was a problem.for me wharn I want out I use to have to ask if they could blend my food for me 9 tines out of 10 they did. I'm lucky realy because I was told I would end up.on the peg which I disnt in w.d can I ask why you carnt eat soft solid food. Alison 

  • Thankyou Debbie kind regards alison ots nice to know that  obody alone