Food tasting rancid.

  • 47 replies
  • 135 subscribers

I've had 15 sessions of radiotherapy with 15 more to go. My taste went after 10.  Everything I try tastes absolutely  awful. Even my toothpaste tastes disgusting.  I really hate to try to eat so using peg for nourishment.   I'm drinking 2 ltd of water as directed, and doing exercises for jaw and swallowing. Has anyone had this problem and will it affect my swallowing later. Also when will taste start to return.  I love food but cannot cope with it at the moment.  Any advice would be welcome.   It is really good to read about other people's story. Best wishes. 

  • Thank you I will try that. I have a nebuliser  which helps, but is is the gagging. 

    1. Martie
  • Thank you  I tried the sparkling water and it does help.  

    1. Martie
  • Fantastic so pleased !

  • Hi Dani

    no Iv not tried it but I will give it a go thank you 

  • Hi Martie, I too had that horrible gagging and dreaded going to sleep. The nighttime gagging did ease / stop though still had the mucus to contend with but not waking up in a state, as I was.  I am now 8 weeks post treatment. I still have issues with mucus and especially at night and that often leads to bouts of coughing.  The sparkling water trick was a game changer. I had nasty burns on my neck and I won't lie - there was pain and tears but they started to ease the week after treatment ended and healed super fast so  you've got some respite from that coming.  I am now 8 weeks post treatment and things are easing. Progress is slow but steady and as I've learnt from people on here - it really is a marathon. I'm an impatient patient but learning to manage my expectations... 

  • Hi Liesle, it's good to have people's experience. Glad things are getting better for you.  My neck is raw and weeping  and so much pain  in the throat. I wake up and have to run to sink as mucus really bad. I appreciate all the support. I am being fed through peg since week 2 of treatment.  I must admit that I just want to cry at times. I understand that 2 weeks following treatment is bad so I'm on count down. Best wishes.

    1. Martie
  • Did they give you dressings for your neck? Mine were excellent and not only protected the area but took the pain away. The burns were bad and raw but healed very quickly. I'm still quite scarred but hoping that will improve over time. I wish you all the best getting through this particularly nasty bit of the journey. 

  • No they did not give ne dressings, said to use cream, but it is open and weeping. I am seeing Mcmillan on Monday so will ask them  about dressings. Thank you for your kind words. Xx

    1. Martie
  • Hi martie, my neck was also in a really bad state at the end of RT , this co incided with a wee stay in hospital and when I was there the neck nurse got me Flamazine cream ( you can’t use it on RT) . It is brilliant and in a few days my neck although still bad was massively improved , heads up your neck may go black it’s just due to , I believe but prob wrong, silver being one of the ingredients. I also got dressings applied at the worst stages , once it starts to improve it will amaze you how quickly it gets better

  • Hi, the hospital has given me flaminal, I hope it helps.

    1. Martie