Possible laryngeal cancer

  • 136 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi everyone this is my story so far, 2 months ago I started snoring and a feeling of something dangling in the back of my throat, sometimes I’d sort of choke on my saliva like going down wrong hole, so mainly cos of the snoring which seems to have come on all of a sudden I took a trip to my GP who referred me to ENT at my local hospital where they examined the back of my throat with the camera up the nose and found a lump in my Larynx and also one of my vocal cords wasn’t working and it was that which was causing the snoring                                                                             
since then I’ve had a CT and MRI plus biopsy on the lump found in my larynx, tomorrow I have a ultrasound and aspiration biopsy on my lymph nodes in neck, and Tuesday I have another appointment at ENT and hoping for results of biopsy on the lump they found                                                                            
so as you can imagine I’m going through thoughts of pending doom and I think I’m going to die I know you shouldn’t consult Dr Google and have got a severe rollicking from the Mrs etc , thing is when you read up about this sort of thing most say that it’s smoking and heavy alcohol use that puts you at a higher risk and I do neither, also the permanent sore throat hoarseness and cough etc I’ve had none of that only the snoring and choking sometimes                            

ive got a thousand and one things going through my head at the moment and I’m absolutely petrified, thinking has it spread have I had it for ages and not even known hence no symptoms, I’d appreciate any responses and I will keep you updated of all the test results  

  • Hi Luggs

    Welcome to the community but sorry you're here

    ive got a thousand and one things going through my head at the moment and I’m absolutely petrified, thinking has it spread have I had it for ages and not even known hence no symptoms, I’d appreciate any responses and I will keep you updated of all the test results  

    This is all normal and a place we all find ourselves. It's largely unfounded though but I guess that's little reassurance for you. Your wife's advice to avoid Google is sound. Much information is wrong or doesn't apply to you and you will scare yourself to death.

    I had a squamous cell carcinoma at the back of my tongue which must have been there for months before I found it as it was symptom less even then. My treatment then didn't start for 4 months and I'm now chasing three years, fit and well.....so try to relax...

    You'll know for certain on Tuesday so just keep busy till then.

    If you need to stay here then there are lots of people to help you through.

    A heck of a lot of people are here who haven't smoked and don't drink to excess. Up to 80% of HNC is now caused by Human Papilloma Virus which is eminently sensitive to radiotherapy and most folk are cured.

    Hang on in there

    Good luck for Tuesday. Take your time there and make sure everything is explained thoroughly to you. Take a notepad. 

    Let us know how you get on

    Best wishes


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks so much I’ll definitely keep you all updated 

  • Dani's just about covered it all there but I'd throw in that, rather than a notepad, I actually recorded all my appointments on my phone last year and all the medical staff were happy for me to do so. Possibly not absolutely necessary if you're able to take someone with you but circumstances last year meant I had to go in alone, was good to be able to listen back to what was said.

    Loads of great people on here to help you through if you get bad news, and we're all living proof that you can come out the other side, good luck.

    Community Champion Badge

    Metastatic SCC diagnosed 8th October 2013. Modified radical neck dissection November, thirty-five radiotherapy fractions with 2xCisplatin chemo Jan/Feb 2014. Recurrence on larynx diagnosed July 2020 so salvage laryngectomy in September 2020.


  • Thanks Mike I’ll take that on board

  • Hi Luggs

    Good advice already given, but I just wanted to say welcome and reassure you that this group is here for you when you need us.  Hope you get some clarity tomorrow.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Thanks for your support I will definitely need you guys if I go down that Rocky road for sure it’s so reassuring to know that I can reach out if need be and thanks again everyone, I am so nervous I’ve lost my appetite already and not eating properly which is not good but to be expected due to the circumstances I spose, I should imagine the prospects of it being benign are pretty slim but fingers crossed 

  • Not lecturing, but try to get back to eating.  If you are at an appropriate weight for yourself then things will be easier during treatment - at the very least you won't get nagged by the hospital nutritionist!  Also try to get some exercise - walking the dog if you have one.  Exercise before, during and after treatment does wonders for the soul and helps the body repair.

    Let us know how tomorrow goes.  We all know how you feel and have everything crossed that it is something other than cancer.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi Welcome to our  small community group. Can’t add anything to what the others have already said. But I will reiterate keep off dr google you will frighten yourself.  Good luck for Tuesday 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 5 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help