Hi all,
I feel a bit like I don't "belong" here as I haven't had a diagnosis so apologies if I shouldn't be posting. I'm 37 and female.
I have severe dental phobia and after years of avoiding dentists and even looking in my own mouth as I can't stand it, I finally started getting all my treatment booked. So far had only had a clean and on that visit the dentist noticed something on my inside cheek, took photos and just said she was sending them off for someone to look at. A few weeks later I got a hospital appointment through the post for the Maxillo-facial dept. I was terrified, not because of what I thought might be wrong, but purely another someone poking around in my mouth. Anyway, he had a look, said that I needed to get a biopsy and to wait for an appointment which would be in about 6 weeks time. Couple of days later got the appointment which was for 2 weeks after that initial appointment.
I started trying to look at the thing in my mouth, couldn't see it very well but I noticed a couple of weird things on my tongue - neither dentist or Max-fax doctor looked at it. I'm not someone who ever fears the worst, I'm always positive (much to the annoyance of my anxious wife), so I had a look and it seemed like the thing on my tongue was leukoplakia just from looking at photos. Wasn't concerned, that didn't mean cancer. But then I started to look at the things that are early signs of oral cancer and realised some of the weird things that had been going on with me for the last year or two matched that description. Difficulty swallowing, controlling my tongue, drooling, feeling like my tongue is too big (weird I know), odd random pains in my ears that would last a few days at a time.
And so I went for the biopsy and pointed out the thing on my tongue so he immediately said he'd biopsy that at the same time. That was Monday. As they were finishing up, the nurse (I think) said to the doctor "Ok, so I'm booking a telephone consult for the results yeah?" Doctor said "erm, no, we're going to need a face to face for this one." I glanced up and saw the nurse's eyes drop (mask on, couldn't see mouth) and she just said "oh, ok I'll book that." Then they told me it's a 4-6 week wait for results.
So I'm just really terrified and don't really have anyone that I can talk to about it. I talk to my wife, of course but don't want it to take over everything and she worries so much anyway. I don't want to worry my family so they don't know. And my close friends are all going through enough of their own hassles at the moment. Plus I just think what would I say? "I'm really worried" - nobody can really help or take it away so feels like I'd just be dragging them down for no reason. Equally, I don't really know why I'm writing this here. :( Think maybe I just needed to write it out and send it out there.
Thanks for reading this massive wordy post, I don't know what I'm hoping for in response, if anything at all, but thank you anyway.
Hev x
Hi Hev and welcome to the forum.
Firstly, well done on overcoming your dental phobia and starting some treatment - that was a bold step.
Your anxiety while waiting for results of the biopsies is quite understandable - it's the worst time. But, it's good that you're getting them done so whatever the outcome you'll be able to get some treatment.
The problem with looking up symptoms for oral cancer on the internet is that so many of the symptoms are similar to other conditions so it's very easy to scare yourself.
If the results do come back as oral cancer please be assured that there are many of us on the forum who have been through similar.
Fingers crossed that your results come back in a timely fashion and that you get some good news.
I won't say don't worry as I'm sure you will anyway but you know where to come should you need some advice or support.
Take care.
Linda x
Hi Hev
can’t add anything to linda s excellent post. Please keep iff dr google you will only make yourself worse. If it’s any help biopsy results for me we’re back in less than a week my consultant knew it was cancer even before biopsy.
Well done on dentist as well
come back when you’ve got results either way.
Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz
My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 6 years post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help
2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers
Thanks Linda, really appreciate the response. Yeah I'm normally someone who looks up symptoms to show myself and others that whatever the symptom is is unlikely to be cancer, so I'm finding it weird that my head has gone this way. I suppose it may be that I can't really find anything else to explain these symptoms. And then of course it's over thinking and frightening myself with worst case scenarios etc.
I'm sure I'll have up and down days over the coming weeks until results are in, and I'm working on accepting that it's normal and OK to feel anxious, although trying to distract myself at the same time. Thankfully I'm off work next week with lots of stuff planned at home so hopefully keeping busy will help, and time off work always flies! Lol
Thanks again xx
Thanks Hazel. I know you're absolutely right, hopefully these waves of panic/anxiety ease and become more manageable, just finding it a bit overwhelming. Really hoping for quick results, I don't know the procedure for it - I gather I'll get an appointment in the post soon for in 4-6 weeks time but hoping that if results are back sooner that they'll call me to come in so I just know what's what.
Hi Herv
what happened with mine I had biopsy the Thursday the hospital was a dedicated cancer centre have m d t which is multi disciplinary team meet every Monday so I was discussed 10 days later and met the oncologist the next day. I had a phone call telling me 5 days after biopsy that would be happening. I knew it was cancer as a fine needle biopsy had been done prior.
please find some box set to get into or a good book of you can . My mantra became don’t worry over something I can’t influence and trusted my team
Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz
My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 6 years post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help
2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers
Hi sorry you've found yourself in this position. It's a difficult one as everything is out of your control and all you can do is wait.
Doctor said "erm, no, we're going to need a face to face for this one." I glanced up and saw the nurse's eyes drop (mask on, couldn't see mouth) and she just said "oh, ok I'll book that." Then they told me it's a 4-6 week wait for results.
First.....Try not to read too much into that. I doubt that any clinician would offer a telephone call for even a normal result in such circumstances. Telling you everything is OK is still going to leave you hanging as to what to do next and what exactly the lesions are and you are going g to have questions
I had my biopsy results in a week so I would chase that up with your doctors secretary
I hope it's nothing
Best wishes
Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019
Hi Hev and welcome. You will get lots of good advice and support here. You've already had a lot in replies to your post and there is not a lot I can add. We are a family who support each other, so feel free to ask even what seems to you to be the most pointless questions
Thank you so much Dani. I keep going really up and down and round and round but in general feel a bit more settled today. Still getting the waves of stomach churning but as you say I'm trying to not to make anything of what they said because it really is pointless to try to guess at anything. In my appointments, the word cancer wasn't even mentioned, but neither was anything else like leukoplakia or anything at all. That's on me really I suppose because I didn't ask anything at all! Lol. It was like it was just all unsaid and I thought no point asking what it might be because they don't know til the results and I don't want to panic myself more or whatever. Realise now though that not asking anything was worse because my mind keeps going to crazy places on its own haha! Anyway, just riding it out. Can't believe its only been a 3 days, could be so many more to wait.
And thanks to Peter for your comments also, I really appreciate everyone being so welcoming.
Don't beat yourself for not asking the question Hev. The consultant wouldn't have been able to confirm anything without the biopsy.
Generally biopsies are back within a couple of weeks as has been mentioned so worth following up - you never know!
Linda x
Hiya, so would it be reasonable if I called the max-fax dept weekly after having it done to see if results are in? Or should I wait two weeks? I'm one of those people who doesn't like to be a pain in the butt, but also aware sometimes you can get things moving quicker if you chase, just don't know what's reasonable! Sorry :/
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