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Choices choices


Hi so I had a call yesterday to ask me to go to see my original surgeon who removed a benign tumour close to my spine...

I had an mri and biopsies done recently on 2 new tumours in my neck...and have been waiting 3weeks now for results...

Anyway today we went to hospital (95mile journey) and basically he has said that he's fairly confident that these are soft fibrous tumours....but obviously still needs to have results... He has said that one tumour which is at the base of my skull would be a BIG operation and would limit my neck movement greatly...also not far from brain area.....the other tumour isn't too close to my spine and could be possibly removed if it started to have an effect on my spine....

So up to now options could be (dependant on results) leave them both and monitor with mri's regularly to see if any growth increase...

OR funnily enough he said if it was to be Cancer! He said chemo or radiotherapy could possibly shrink them to make it easier to get them out.....

  1. It's all a waiting game now,bit I feel more optimistic than I did before we went today....