First referral at 34

  • 8 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Good evening everyone,

My name is Nick, this is my first time here, this is also my first time ever having to talk about cancer. Last year, I developed a strange wart-like bump on my tongue, was painless and didn’t bleed when bitten, was very odd. I saw a GP twice, once when I wanted it seen, and a second time when it mutated, grew and changed shape

The GP had no clue what it was, told me to keep an eye on it, a month passed, it bled from being bitten and promptly disappeared - so I paid it no more mind.

Then last November came, I was struck with sinus and throat/tonsil infections non stop, even swallowing felt like a process that took several attempts, I felt attacked by the viruses, I saw a GP several times who very dismissively sent me away with antibiotics each time without any real checkup, annoying but I got through it.

For the last three weeks, I’ve lost most of my hearing in my right ear, I’ve never had this before, saw the (same, dismissive) GP who said I have Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and prescribed a nasal steroid spray, read online this condition usually goes in a few days, but it’s been another week since the treatments and I still have a full ear, tinnitus, sporadic relief if I lie upside down (which is causing pain, so have stopped), so I saw a different GP.

This GP has always helped me with my dermatitis so was eager to help, confirmed some hearing loss by using a tuning fork and asked about my illness, I stated that I wasn’t actually unwell, just couldn’t hear but one of my tonsils was much bigger than the other, the tonsil on the same side as my hearing loss (I have always had tonsil issues)

The GP seemed concerned and asked about my swallowing, I replied and said it’s a chore but not a choke risk, and then he got a head and neck cancer referral letter sent out and printed me out an information sheet… I was left in some shock, I tried to humour my way out of it but I’ve been a wreck since, online every second trying to diagnose myself, and I’ve since discovered that the lump I had on my tongue is identical to a HPV tongue wart. 

Then I read that HPV can cause tonsil/throat cancer, and safe to say I am incredibly worried now, I’m 34 with two children, I didn’t think I’d find myself awaiting a phone call about cancer, I’m trying not to panic but everything I’m reading is pointing at HPV 16 oral cancer 

I’m hoping, if anyone has managed to read through my short story, that someone, anyone has been through a similar situation with similar symptoms and issues and has any… advice? Or, reassurances? Or maybe even stark reality statements, anything really.

Thank you,


  • Hello Nick

    In many ways you are at one of the most difficult stages.  Until you get a proper diagnosis your mind is all over the place.  Been there, done that and completely empathise with what you are going through.  One thing I have learned from this forum is that Google is not your friend and much of the stuff on there isn’t particularly accurate or current.

    It is difficult at this stage to offer any kind of advice…..other than stay off Google and try not to worry until you know what if anything you are dealing with….but that is so much more easily said than done.  Hopefully your appointment will come through quickly so you can start to get some answers and a plan going forward.

    My tumour was HPV positive and was on the back of my tongue with a spread to a lymph node in my neck.  Nearly 14 months down the road following treatment (surgery followed by radiotherapy)  my scans are clear.  These cancers have a high treatment success rate.

    You’ve come to the right place. There are a lot of people on this forum who will support you and offer advice based on their experience.  I wish I had found them earlier.

    Take care, and stay in touch.


  • Just wanted to offer my support. The champions / online supporters will be on later this morning with more info for you but the main message will be wait and see on the diagnosis. I’m sorry about the poor care from your GP. I had a similar ‘wort’ on the base of my tonsil and my dentist did an immediate referral. 

    it’s a very tough time you are going through. I am on week 3 of radiotherapy at the moment for tonsil cancer and the original growth at the base of my tonsil. From here you will get an appointment with a consultant to be seen with two weeks, probably a biopsy and CT  plus other scans. It’s a world none of us want to enter - I get that. 

    stay off Google and this group is very supportive 

  • Hi Nick

    Then I read that HPV can cause tonsil/throat cancer, and safe to say I am incredibly worried now, I’m 34 with two children, I didn’t think I’d find myself awaiting a phone call about cancer, I’m trying not to panic but everything I’m reading is pointing at HPV 16 oral cancer 

    It can and that's where you are at presently. Waiting for an ENT consult to either confirm or deny. There is nothing you can do about it for now. I know  that sounds harsh but sometimes we need a kick to knock some sense into included.

    I have been where you are and I understand. It's just a waiting game. What we do on Google is discover it might be tonsil cancer then dive headfirst trying to find somewhere that tells us we are going to be OK and it's not likely to be cancer after all. Instead we find Hell. At least Google found us for you so please please don't look down any more rabbit holes.

    If it is cancer rest assured it's curable.Stay with us and we will muddle through with you. I am six years clear of treatment and doing great.

    Find out from your GP who exactly you have been referred to. You should have a consultant's name. If you haven't heard from them in two weeks phone their secretary and push them

    Good luck....and fingers crossed


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi  Nick 

    In early 2021 I noticed that I had one Tonsil swollen on the left hand side, a bit of earache so off I went to the GP... told it was an infection and to gargle with saline solution....a year later swollen tonsil still there but a small lump appeared on my off to the dentist as I thought it was teeth related.... dentist promptly sent me back to my GP....who diagnosed a saliva gland infection and advised gargling with lemon juice solution....some months later and infection set in after burning my tonsil with hot soup.   Back to see GP....this time one who was tonsil cancer aware.... urgent referral to ENT made and HPV16 plus Tonsil cancer diagnosis made....

    6 weeks of chemoradio....tough treatment but one with a 90% cure rate....20 months on and I am doing well....

    Keep the forum updated with your progress 


  • Hi Nick 

    Easy for me to say, but there is no mileage I panicking about the outcome... It is what it is and we have to deal with it...l was 68 when diagnosed.... Younger patients are going to have more resilience...Google is a minefield of dodgy information....the patients on this forum know every little detail about diagnosis, treatment and recovery... they are walking or have walked the walk.... ask anything at any time.


  • Hu Nick. As others have said keep off dr Google it’s a minefield and you’ll go down rabbit holes. The waiting’s the wort but as Dani says nothing can be done about that. Keep busy and remember over 90% of referrals aren’t cancer they are the quickest way if being seen. If you are unlucky to  join us head and neck cancers respond extremely well to treatment. In meantime it’s head down and stressing won’t allter anything. We know we’ve been there. I’m approaching 7 years HPV tonsil cancer living a great life. 

    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers

  • Hi Nick and welcome from me.  There has been lots of good advice so far and I agree this is probably the most difficult stage, waiting to find out what is really going on.  Aside from a very high cure rate that has already been mentioned the other fact is that the vast majority of people referred by their GP for head and neck cancer once they have had the diagnostic tests don't actually have cancer.  So there is a good chance that there is something else going on that is not cancer.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Good evening Nick, try not to give yourself unnecessary worries, especially by going on Google as it will make matters worse, i know it's not easy but if you can hold out until a consultant has seen you they will be able to explain everything and run scans and tests to see what are causing these issues. Depending on what they find you will be given the best treatment and advice, It's nothing sinister but either way, the cure rate is good, i never knew whether my cancers were HPV I just went with the flow, as Dani said we will help you the best we can once you get a diagnosis whether its cancer or not cancer. We Wish you all the best, take care.



    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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