Dry Skin months after treatment

  • 6 replies
  • 83 subscribers

Anyone else get this? I had a biopsy about a week ago, and now sem to be getting red dry blotches on neck and face ( where I had radiotherapy). I have quite sensitive skin anyway, but it's driving mSweatnuts. Almost anything I put on my skin burns initially, except my dove shower gel . Still haven't got the all clear yet.Sweat

  • Hi  

    Get yourself checked out at your hospital. Radiation dermatitis months after RT is a thing and needs treating properly.


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi, I’ve also got a dry itchy rash around my eyes, ears and mouth 4 months post RT. I’ve been told by the doctor that is a fungal infection which I’ve been given Turbinafine cream. Sue

  • Thanks again everyone, amazing as always!

  •  Epimax cream was my radiology team's go-to...ask your GP for Epimax oatmeal.....''oatmeal can help reduce redness and blotchiness by alleviating skin irritation''.


  • At around 10 months post treatment my neck became red and itchy.  I really did not suffer during /post treatment from any skin issues.  I tried E54 and Aloe Vera gel and it did not really help.  My consultant advised using sun block and that did clear it up after a couple of weeks.  Apparently it contains some skin healing properties that the standard creams do not have.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Cheers Peter,

    That's kind of what I tried today, it's a cream with sunblock, seems to be not as itchy! Thank you!