energy after treatment

  • 39 replies
  • 86 subscribers

is it normal to have zero energy 24/7 even after 13 weeks of treatment ending? 

  • Yes, Donna. It’s called radiation fatigue. Gentle exercise and fresh air help but when it poleaxes you rest is the prescription. 
    It does ease. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • i do try and walk as much as poss as before treatment i used to walk miles each day i walk the dog n thats my lot even that i have to push myself, i have to push myself to do anything i could just sit and do nothing day in day out which most days i do i have zero energy day in day out i ment to speak to my oncologist about this last week but was so happy hearing the cancer treatment has worked i forgot to discuss it with him its not like me to not move day in day out if i dident have to take the dog out i could quite happily never move l x

  • I think you just have to ride it out. See if a couple of days rest doing nothing sets you up to feel a little better. 
    Have your thyroid tested at your GP. RT can damage the thyroid and low thyroid hormone can make lethargy worse. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • i have been like this since treatment ended had 1 day when the rig came out i woke up feeling great the day after the rig came out since then i been like this iam due a blood test as i have a thyroid check once a year due to being the only family member who does not have a thyroid problem they say it may of skipped a generation with me but went to my 1st born as my son had to have his removed so got lots of experiance with the thyroid and someone else on here has had her thyroid damaged thro r t so i will defo chase up a blood test and get it checked i dont ever have a day where i feel energised and it is starting to get me down now so i will try call docs tomoz if i can get thro that is lol xx thank u x

  • Hi Donna. I had radiation fatigue for quite a while and if I went out I had to hold onto my husband's arm and he would practically drag me along but then things started to slowly improve. Initially like you I found it hard even to walk to the letter box in the front garden and once I started a walk and had to turn back as I knew I would not make it. I used to drag myself around and the thought of having to go to the shops was a nightmare. I would sit in the chair most of the day. I had to push myself to even to have a shower.It was very demoralising, but  mine slowly improved and then all of a sudden it was like a miracle and I started to feel energised again. I have never taken my energy levels for granted since then. Definitely get your thyroid checked to rule this out as a factor.



  • Hi Donna yes it’s radiation fatigue I had it for a good while well over 9 months I learned to listen tk my body. You can't fight radiation fatigue. I could function really well but only by listening to my body and I became queen of the 20 min Power Nap. We would go to friends and first thing they would say is ehh h bedroom would you like to use today. Pace yourself don’t push too far take the dog out but build up to how far you are walking. Then each day a little further. I’m back uk to 199 km bike rides if I want to more often now it’s 60 km but that’s ok. My thyroid id now checked annually as yih say if you’ve family history be vigilant. 
    radiation fatigue does go eventually remember treatments hard an although yih might not think ur 13 weeks is still early. Remember we need sufficient nutrition snd hydration to recover as well. I was eating 2500 calories including 85 gram of protein most days. 
    are you eating well ? 

    hugs Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers

  • ah thats good to hear it suddenly went iam the same an effort to shower or bath each day i throw trackie bottoms on top of my p js coat on walk the dog then its off with the trackies n in pjs and dont move and on the odd occasion i have walked to town i then dont move for a week or have to get train to london for hospital apps then iam indoors not moving for another week only to walk the dog and she dont walk far especially in winter and during that cold spell last week she wont go for a walk and that was great but it is starting to get me down now i will 100% call docs tomoz and get a blood test for a thyroid check xx can you remember how long after treatment before your energy came back? iam 3 months post treatment now so thought by now i be back to my old self but it feels far from it where my energy is concerned xx 

  • 9 months after treatment before your energy levels came back thats a while and i will defo get thyroid checked i make sure i drink 2 or more litres of water each day i always have done this after working on a ward for nhs and seen so many kidneys probs due to lack of fluids so i always drink plenty of water and i mostly eat healthy but i do have days of eating crap if i cant be bothered but i do push myself to cook at least 1 healthy meal a day but i do have toast for brekkie most days then soup or a sandwich for lunch so i do get the calories in but there are days i will eat crap and just snack if got no energy to cook but i also batch cook so i dont have to cook every day so not often i dont have a proper meal its just the odd day here and there xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna 

    Yes sounds familiar.  I have plenty of days when I find it hard to get motivated, have to push myself a bit especially at this time of year.... fatigue hits out of the blue.... better weather and longer hours of daylight seems to help a bit of golf, some swimming and gardening when the weather allows... treatment is challenging...our bodies have been through the mill 

  • Hi I was able to function but needed my 20 min power naps. It went as quickly as it came. Ye do get thyroid checked.  My oncologist said he would cure me but also would take a year out if my life he was right on both comments. Don’t be too hard on yourself winters always a bad time once spring summer comes you’ll start to turn the corner. You’re treatment timelines similar to  mine. In the winter we’re not as active as the spring summer. Just remember your bodies been through the wringer snd now your coming through to the other side. Give this a read.

    it outs our treatment into context  we need time to convalesce an old fashioned word but it’s true  

    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers