Anti depressants

  • 5 replies
  • 82 subscribers

Have anyone have to take anti depressants during or after treatments, to cope better?  My husband has been done with treatments but isn’t as happy and worried. 

  • Hi Chris

    There are many people on this forum that have reported having a short course of anti depressants really helped them. It takes a while to adjust to your changed situation, worry of recurrence, adapting to any side effects and the anxiety stays around for a while. However it does recede over time but you have to get to that stage. I had a melt down in my surgeon's office after finishing my treatment. I felt so de-moralised and thought I was never going to improve. He was lovely and recommended that I go to my GP for anti depressants. However I found that talking worked better for me. I talked about my fears with my surgeon and my GP and having my fears acknowledged seemed to really help me. Coming on this forum also helped me tremendously. Knowing that there were others in the same situation really helped me. Macmillan have a counseling programme. If your husband is willing contacting them and talking through his fears may help him.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel. I had my last op in 2023 and am feeling great now. I am back to most of the things I was doing previously with a few exceptions. Time really does help too.



  • Hi Chris 

    I had many low mood days during treatment and recovery, I would imagine most of us do.... I was offered counselling and prescribed anti depressants meds but decided against using both.....lack of decent sleep wasn't helpful so my GP put me on a short course of sleeping pills (a couple of times) which helped greatly ....


  • I didn't personally but reading THIS piece about re covering from cancer helped me put my feelings in perspective. I also printed off a few copies and gave them to friends and family. I was done with treatment and many thought that was it and I should be back to where I was. I was far from that and wanted them to know without me getting upset and angry about their assumptions


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi Chris,

    I asked for anti-depressants as I was struggling. They really helped me rationalise what was happening to me. I also use the Headspace App for meditation which is also good for getting to sleep.

    I hope this helps, Debbie

  • I did temporarily and they worked a treat. It’s important to come off them slowly though, when the time comes.

    There is quite an interesting article in today’s Times (2) about antidepressants.

    I was put on a low dose of Citilopram and came off them as my treatment progressed and prognosis became clearer. M