Difficulty eating during radiotherapy treatment

  • 6 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hi Everyone

I'm just reaching the end of my second week RT. The one massive negative so far is that I have lost all my taste! This is making it impossible to eat anything and I've already lost 4 kilos.

Much as I try I just gag if I try and force anything down. I do have a PEG fitted so I can consume Fortisip that way if necessary. 

How do other people manage? Does anyone have any ideas?

  • Hi Rich999 yes, eating is a real problem. I had a RIG which I was 100% reliant on from week 3. I used to overnight feed, via a pump. Ask your team about overnight feeds through your PEG. 


  • How do other people manage? Does anyone have any ideas?

    Use the feeding tube. It’s what I did though I didn’t have to till a little later……. But everybody is different. 
    If you lose too much weight they will admit you and that’s no fun. The nurses administer your pain relief by their schedule, not yours. So you can go hours without. You have neighbours in varying stages of decrepitude around you. At least you can be more comfortable at home and you are in charge. 
    Ask for a pump then you can be drip fed slowly day or night ( I fed at night) then you can go about as normal a day as you can muster. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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    Hi Rich

    Common issue with chemoradio, some hit harder than others, I lost taste and appetite also lost 16kg, spent 12 days in hospital to stabilise my weight, put on Jevity feed to maintain my weight, through PEG feeding tube, not an easy time.... but things do improve..... now have a healthy BMI.... taste and appetite now about 85%


  • If you lose too much weight they will admit you and that’s no fun.


    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Hi you can’t fight it use the peg. After treatment finished you’ll find that if you’ve no twaste  you develop a mantra if food is fuel and eat to live  but for now the peg is there for a reason please use it or you could be hospitalised which as Dani says you’re then in the hands of the nurses  my n g tube was my lifesaver it helped me make a good recovery as well


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • Simple - I've been there - use the PEG.  Don't be afraid of it.  You can feed, hydrate and medicate through it.  Make sure you know how to pump feed ASAP and get all the kit lined up for when the Fortisips are just not enough.

    Taste does come back - hold onto that thought!

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey