Rig help

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi again

I’m currently in hospital after having a RIG fitted yesterday and I’ve never had so much pain in my life. I’m meant to be going home today but it hurts my stomach to move or walk, I’m so fed up, did anyone else suffer this much with the fitting? 

  • I had a rig fitted and it was very painful. I had it fitted on a Monday and by the Friday it was feeling much better. I had it fitted at the start of week 3 of treatment. After I left hospital my husband had to drive me to the other hospital over a hour away where I was having the rt. Be careful getting on and off the table as I hurt the rig area by lying down too quickly. It was easier to go down onto my side first and the staff don’t mind waiting no matter how slow you are. 

  • Everyone is different and fingers crossed you will be the same. Like i said southend are really helpful just always be honest with them Sue xxx

  • I don’t think I could have faced RT after the rig fitting, well done for getting through it. I had the mask fitted 2 days after the rig and that was hard enough to get off the table. It’s now been a week and the stitches haven’t come out and they pull my stomach every time I get up. Did yours fall out on their own and when? Sue x

  • I think one of mine popped on that car journey to radiotherapy just after it had been fitted and another popped later at home. I was worried the rig would fall out without the stitches but it was ok. I think they like the stitches to stay in as long as they can. Hopefully once they are removed you will feel more comfortable. 

  • Thanks for this reply as I was thinking of seeing if the district nurse could remove the stitches to make me more comfortable but I’ll wait until Friday when I have the rig’s water changed in the balloon. They would have been in for 10 uncomfortable days. 

  • Hi Sue.  I also had a problem with my ‘conventional’ bras when I had my RIG fitted.  The underwiring just sat in the wrong place and boy was it uncomfortable.  A friend recommended trying a Sloggi bralette. No wires, no hooks, bit of padding for support and really comfortable.  I also found it great for tucking the floppy tube away.  Even though I am now just over 3 months RIG free, I haven’t gone back to my old bras.  It’s Sloggi for me from here on in..


  • This might now be a response in the wrong place….sorry but I now can’t find the post I was replying to.  The wonders of technology when you don’t know what you’re doing!

  • , I haven’t gone back to my old bras.

    Never could wear wires! 
    M&S sports bras for me. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


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  • Brilliant news thanks Liz, I will defo try and buy one as going bra less is not a good look for me!!  Sue x

  • hi just thought i would let you know u r now having your rig before me as my date been changed instead of tuesday it is now thursday so would u please keep me posted how it goes i be thinking of you x