False Teeth for husband available from Oral and Maxillo Facial?

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Good Afternoon ,

Can someone tell me if Oral and Maxillo Facial will help my hubby out with false teeth. He had mandibular cancer last year and obviously because of having the jaw reconstructed he only has teeth on one side of he's mouth. He doesn't want any teeth for that side but has a few missing on the other side and they spoke about getting teeth so he at least has a bite on that side of the jaw. He's just over the year mark since surgery and is getting very down because still not being able to eat properly. He has an appointment next month with consultant and i am going to go and ask questions. Seeing him so low is terrible after everything he's been through and just wondered if anyone could advise if they know the hospital will be able to sort this out for him.

  • Hi Bridgetb

    i had same operation as your hubby just over two years ago.  I think my Consultants advise waiting twelve months or so for everything to settle but at that point seem willing to refer on to the dental people; I personally haven’t gone down the path of requesting to be honest, from my observation of others in same situation the half plate improves how we look, obviously, but not very successful when it comes to actually eating. However certainly worth requesting and discussing with your team.  I totally understand how he feels not being able to eat the foods we would like and it does take a lot of adjustment and acceptance.  
    With all best wishes


  • Seeing him so low is terrible after everything he's been through and just wondered if anyone could advise if they know the hospital will be able to sort this out for him.

    Yes they should. His consultant should refer him to restorative dentistry at the same hospital. You’ll have to push for an appointment once you have a referral…. And keep pushing. Best of luck 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Thanks June and dentist wouldnt be a good option and cant seem to get anything from him 

  • Thanks Dani i will push for sure and thank you 

  • Well I had a first. My consultant referred me to audiology because I should get free hearing aids. The other day I got a letter from said department to tell me that they have my referral. I’ll tackle my GP as going by previous referrals ( dermatology for a bcc) that took over a year then six months for surgery. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Good evening bridget, from previous experience your husband should be entitled to have treatment for false teeth which a restorative dentist normally does. My implants were done by my Max Fac consultant and the teeth by the restorative dentist, I had to wait 18 months because my reconstructed jaw bone was not strong enough at the time. I had 4 implants which the dentures clipped onto, my teeth were done to try and help me stop dribbling as my lip seal was not very good. Tell him not to get disheartened as I'm sure your husband's consult will look after him and offer the best treatment. Good luck to you both, take care.

                                                                                     Chris x


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  • Hi Bridget

    Sorry to hear that your husband is feeling down about his lack of teeth and the issues around eating normally.

    I live in Australia so slightly different but I have found my Dental Hospital to be very helpful with dentures but it did take time. I have had 3 ops for jaw cancer and my first one was a mandibulectomy. I had teeth on the other side of my face at that stage so it didn't affect my eating that much as I just ate on the other side of my mouth. I did get a denture eventually for the side where I had the mandibulectomy but found that it was purely cosmetic in the end as the only attachment was around my front tooth as I had no gum for it to attach to. It used to dislodge when I ate so I gave up on it in the end. The upper denture I now have since my 2 maxillectomies are attached to implants which have a titanium prosthesis attached which the dentures are attached to. I have had to adjust to only being able to eat very soft food still but mostly puree in spite of having the dentures.

    However everyone is different and I have had more work than most on my jaw so your husband's denture may be a lot more successful than mine have been in the eating department.

    I used to get down about not being able to eat normally also but over time have adjusted to my new normal. You have to get a new head space going. There is so much socialisation around eating. Celebrations always seem to involve eating and you have to adjust to how you manage this. I have come up with strategies and still enjoying all the celebrations in spite of the eating drawback.

    It was definitely worth it going down the path of dentures for me as cosmetically they have made a huge difference.

    I have found that I still do nearly everything I used to do before - holidays, outings, coffee with friends, birthday parties.

    It takes time to adjust to eating differently but your husband will get there and fingers crossed the denture makes a big difference. You mourn the loss of a life that is never going to be quite the same again but then you move on to something slightly different and that takes time and adjustment.

    Best wishes

